Saturday, June 23, 2018

Diary w/e 23 June 2018

Sun 17 Jun

Entering the M25 en route to IPC Liss I suffered extreme diarrhoea without warning. I have had problems ever since the colon cancer surgery but usually I do get a little warning. We had to return home. I showered and stayed at home for the morning.
   We were invited to fathers' day barbecue with Rachel and family. Lovely food but my appetite was awry. Tea at IPC with Gethin Jones telling us his missionary plans for Paris. Paul preached Eze 33 evangelistically. I think I may now support Mexico after their defeat of Germany in Russia.

MON 18 Jun

I NOW HAVE LASTING POWER OF ATTORNEY FOR ONE OF OUR ELDERLY CHURCH MEMBERS WITH RESPONSIBILITY FOR HEALTH AND FINANCIAL AFFAIRS. My friends on Facebook told me to remove posting this. I was tempted to be stubborn thin king MYOB but reluctantly complied. I am a coward. 20 Jun

Tue 19 Jun

Nine at early morning prayer from 6:30. Blood test and check up with diabetic nurse. lunch with Littles senior.

Wed 20 Jun

Very pleasant tea for Ealing U3A helpers at the posh Ealing Golf Club. I led house group on 1 Sam 22-23 and Ps 52 and 54.

Thu 21 Jun

U3A on power of attorney. Important as I am one. I am offering to give a lecture on Nigeria next year. Debbie unwell and did not go to her cauldron's club.

Fri 22 Jun

Deb prescribed antibiotic for strep throat. We now have raspberries from two hanging baskets. Gone are the gooseberries harvested this time last year.

Sat 23 Jun

Digging deep down in the border and breaking up the clay for the real gardener. She is planting the border. Sermon prep on Noah for Harmondasworth.

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