Sunday, February 24, 2019

Rutherford Revised - (29)

29. To Marion M'Naught                  From Anwoth  20 Aug 1633

Dear sister, - I have much wanted to meet with you at present. I am sad at anything in your family that saddens you; and will by my Lord's grace, pray my Lord to help you bear your burden, and to come in behind you and give you and your burdens help up the mountain. Don't you know that Christ woos his wife in the fire? Behold, I have refined you, but not as silverI have tried you in the furnace of affliction. (Is 48:10). He puts his love on you when you are in the fire of suffering. You might well be down if he brought you in and left you there: but when he leads you through the waters, do you not think he has a sweet soft hand? You know his love grip already; you will be delivered; be patient. Jesus will make a road and come and bring home the prisoner. You will not die in prison. But your blows are like your Husband's who was wounded in the house of his friends. Blows are not new to Him, and neither are they to you. But your winter night is nearly over. Dawn is near. I will see you jump for joy. The church will be rescued. The desert will bud and grow up like a rose. Christ got a rented farm in Scotland from His Father; and who will deprive him of his inheritance, or put our Redeemer off his land unless his tenancy  has run out? I must have you praying for me. I am overcome with Christ's goodness; and privately on the 17th and 18th of August I received a full answer from my Lord to be a favoured minister and a chosen  arrow hidden in his own quiver. But this assurance is not kept except by watching and prayer; and therefore, dear mistress, help me. I have now, (honour to my Lord) the key to open the gate and shut the lock of His door; and I think it is easy to get anything from the King by prayer, and to use holy force with Him. Christ was in Corstorphine Church and wonderfully opened the people's hearts. Jesus is looking there and intends to live among them. I wish we could welcome him home to the moors. Now peace and grace be on you and all yours.
   Yours in Christ,   S.R.

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