Saturday, February 23, 2019

Diary w/e 23 Feb

Sun 17th
Ian Hamilton took adult Sunday School on the witness of the Spirit then preached on Jonathan and his armour bearer. After a good church lunch I did not feel well. I have for an unknown reason, two sore feet making walking painful so I stayed at home in the evening.

Mon 18th

Racked pale ale into barrel. Work on Rutherford's lettersTu 29 Feb. Haircut.

Ian Hamilton very movingly expounded 'Come to me, all who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.' at our lunchtime talk.

Wed 20 Feb

U3A history group on the Spanish empire. Five attendees, five countries of origin! Ian Hamilton to dinner then hearing him on Rutherford at IPC.
Biography 1600-61 and comment on his 365 letters. 
1. Christocentric
2. Deep concern for souls of men.
3. Deep sense of sinfulness of sin.
4. Full of counsel for afflicted saints.
5.  Biblical realism and spiritual sanctity.
6. Full of eagerness for heaven. 
7. Powerful preaching. Skilled theologian.
Told us over city unpublished letters found recently in Edinburgh.

Thu 21 Feb

Lunch out with the senior Littles and then the first cut of the lawn this year. Record early cut.

Sat 23 Feb

Representing our church member at her flat's tenants' association meeting deciding to form a management company.

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