Friday, February 15, 2019

Rutherford Revised - (11)

11.  To my Lady Kenmore Anwoth 26 Jun 1630

Madam, grace, mercy and peace be multiplied to you. I received your Ladyship's letter, by which I see your situation in this world smells of fellowship and communion with the Son of God in His sufferings. You cannot, you must not, have a more pleasant to easy time here, than He had, who, was made,'perfect through suffering.'(Heb 2:10) We may indeed think cannot God bring us to heaven with ease and prosperity. Who doubts that He can? But his infinite wisdom thinks and plans differently cannot see a reason for it, yer he has a most fitting reason. We never with our own eyes saw our soul, yet we have a soul. We see many rivers but do not know their first spring or original fountain; yet they have a beginning. Madam, when you come to the other side of the water, and have set your foot on the shore of glorious eternity, and look back to the waters and your tiring journey, and you will see, in that clear glass of endless glory, nearer the bottom of God's wisdom, you will then be forced to say, 'If God had done other than he has done with me, I would never have come to enjoying this crown of glory.'  It is your turn now to believe, and suffer, and hope, and keep waiting, for I say, in the presence of that all seeing eye, who knows what I write and what I think, that I would not lack for the sweet experience of Gods' consolations of in all the bitterness of afflictions. No, whether God comes to His children with a rod or a crown, if he comes Himself with it, it is good. Welcome, welcome Jesus, whatever way You come, if we can get to see You. And I am sure it is better to be sick, providing Christ comes to the bedside, and draws the curtains, and says,'Take courage. I am your salvation,' than to enjoy health well and strong, but never visited by God.
Worthy and dear lady, in the strength of Christ, fight and be victorious. You are now alone yourself, but you may have for the asking, always three with you, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I trust they are near you. You are now deprived of the comfort of a lively ministry; so was Israel in their captivity; yet hear God's promise to them,'Therefore say, Thus says the Lord GOD: Though I removed them far off among the nations, and though I scattered them among the countries, yet I have been sanctuary to them for a while in the countries where they have gone.'" (Eze 11:16.See a sanctuary! for a sanctuary God Himself in place of the temple in Jerusalem! I trust in God, that carrying this temple around with you, you shall see Jehovah's beauty in His house.
We have great fear of a great and fearful trial to come upon the church of God;for those, who would build their houses and nests on the ashes of a morning Jerusalem, have persuaded our king on hard and dangerous conclusions against such people as are called Puritans, in order to root them out. Our bishops (may the Lord take the keys of his house from these illegitimate gate keepers!) assure us that, for those who will not conform, there is nothing but imprisonment and loss of livelihood.The spouse of Jesus will always be in the fire; but I trust in my God that she will not be consumed, because of the good will of Him who lives in the bush; for he lives in it with goodwill. All sorts of crying sins without constraint abound in our land.The glory of the Lord is leaving Israel, and the Lord is looking back over his shoulder, to see if anyone will say,'Lord , wait,' and no-one asks Him to stay. Corrupt and false doctrine is openly preached by the idol-shepherds of the land.For myself, I have daily sadness for the disobedience to , and contempt of the word of God. I was called before the High Commission by an irresponsible person in this parish who has been convicted of incest. In this Mr Alexander Colville was my great friend, and wrote a most kind letter to me. The Lord give him mercy in that day. On the day of my appearance in court, the sea and wind stopped the Bishop of St Andrews from coming. I ask you Ladyship, to thank Alexander Colville by letter.
  My wife has now left this life after a year and a month of long illness and pain. The Lord has done it; blessed be His name. I have had malarial fever for thirteen weeks, and am still ill. I preach only once with great difficulty on the Sabbath. I am not able to either visit or examine the congregation. The Lord Jesus be with your spirit.
   Your Ladyship's in all obedience,   S.R.

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