Saturday, March 02, 2019

Rutherford revised (46)

46. To Marion M'Naught             From Anwoth Undated 

Well-beloved and dear sister,-  My tender affection in Christ remembered. I left you in as great a sadness as I was in since I came to this country; but I know you do not (doubt as the truth is in Christ) that' my soul is joined to your soul, and to the soul of all yours and I would if I could send you the largest part of my heart enclosed in this letter. But by a fervent calling upon my Lord I have obtained some victory over my heart which often runs away, and deceptive hopes, which I now know better than I did. I trust in my Lord to keep above the temptations of a misleading heart by which I am daily led astray; and I do not mind (by His grace who has called me according to his eternal purpose) to come so far within the grip of my foolish mind gripping any foolishness coming its way as the ivy or woodbine goes about the tree. 
   I adore and kiss the providence of God who knows full well what is the best for me and for you and your children and I think of you as of myself that the Lord who in his deep wisdom turns about all the wheels and changes will also arrange for the best for you and yours. In the presence of my Lord I am not able even if I could to think badly of you in that matter. Grace, grace be you and your children; and it will be your share despite all the powers of darkness. Question this no more. But the Lord saw a loose nail in my heart and he has now fastened it. Honour be to His Majesty. 
   I hear your son has entered the school. If I had known of I would have asked Lord that he would put the book in his hand with His own hand.  I trust in my Lord that it is so and I hope to see him as a star to you give light in some room of our Lord's house; and plan by the Lord's grace as I am able (if our Lord call you to rest before me) when you are at  home, to do the best in my power to help him every way in grace and learning, and his brothers and all your children. And I hope you would expect to to me to do that.
   Further you should know that Mr William Dalgleish has come home and says it is a miracle that your husband in this process before the Council escaped both discredit and damage. Let it not be forgotten that he was to our understanding and to our sadness cast down and humbled in the Lord's work in the matter between him and the magistrate: now the Lord has honoured him and made him famous for virtue, honour, and integrity on several occasions before the nobles of this kingdom. Your Lord lives. We will go to his throne of grace again; his arm is not shortened.
   The King is certainly expected. Evil is feared; because of our sins we have reason to fear the Bridegroom will be taken from us. By our sins we have torn His fair clothes and we have stirred up and have awakened our Beloved. Pray for Him to stay or then to take us with Him. It is good that we should knock  and bang at our Lord's door. We should not tire to knock more than two or three times. He knows the knock of his friends.
   I am still what I ever was to your dear children, promoting their soul's happiness and praying that grace, grace, grace, mercy and peace from God and our Father and from our Lord Jesus may be their part and that now while they are green and young  may be joined to Jesus the Cornerstone and  as once into our Lord and Saviour's house they will not leave. Pray for me and especially for humility and thankfulness. I always remember you and your husband and dear children. The Lord Jesus be with your spirits
   You're evermore in my dear Lord Jesus and yours   S.R.

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