Wednesday, January 17, 2018

This is the source of Ireland's troubles - the one English Pope

The granting of Ireland to the English king, Henry II by Pope Adrian IV is a great embar- rassment to Roman Catholic historians. They have even attempted to claim that the Bull was a forgery and the Pope never issued such a degree. It is worthy of reading.
"Adrian, Bishop, servant of the servants of God, to his dearest son in Christ, the illustrious King of England, greeting, and apostolic benediction. "Full laudably and profitably has your Magnificence conceived the design of propagating your glorious renown on earth, and of completing your reward of eternal happiness in heaven, whilst, as a Catholic Prince, you are intent on enlarging the borders of the Church, teaching the truth of the Christian faith to the ignorant and rude, extirpating the nurseries of iniquity from the field of the Lord, and for the more convenient execution of this pur- pose, requiring the counsel and favour of the Apostolic See. In which the maturer your de- liberation and the greater the discretion of your procedure, by so much the happier, we trust, will be your progress, with the assistance of the Lord; because whatever has its origin in ardent faith and in love of religion always has a prosperous end and issue.
"There is indeed no doubt but that Ireland and all the islands on which Christ the Sun of Righteousness has shone, and which have received the doctrines of the Christian faith, be- long to the jurisdiction of St. Peter, and of the holy Roman Church, as your Excellency also acknowledges. And therefore we are the more solicitous to propagate a faithful plantation among them, and a seed pleasing to the Lord, as we have the secret conviction of con- science that a very rigorous account must be rendered of them.
" You then, most dear son in Christ, have signified to us your desire to enter into the island of Ireland that you may reduce the people to obedience to laws, and extirpate the nurse- ries of vice; and that you are willing to pay from each house a yearly pension of one penny to St. Peter, and that you will preserve the rights of the churches of this land whole and inviolate. We, therefore, with that grace and acceptance suited to your pious and laudable design, and favourably assenting to your petition, hold it good and acceptable that, for ex- tending the borders of the Church, restraining the progress of vice, for the correction of manners, the planting of virtue, and the increase of the Christian religion, you enter that island, and execute therein whatever shall pertain to the honour of God and welfare of the land; and that the people of that land receive you honourably, and reverence you as their lord,--the rights of their churches still remaining sacred and inviolate, and saving to St. Peter the annual pension of one penny from every house.
"If then you are resolved to carry the design you have conceived into effectual execution, study to form that nation to virtuous manners; and labour by yourself and others whom you shall judge meet for this work, in faith, word, and life, that the Church may be there adorned, that the religion of the Christian faith may be planted and grow up, and that all things pertaining to the honour of God and the salvation of souls be so ordered, that you may be entitled to the fulness of eternal reward in God, and obtain a glorious renown on earth throughout all ages." {Killen's Ecclesiastical History of Ireland, pages 211-212}
Pope Adrian's Bull was issued in 1155 but it did not suit Henry to invade Ireland until 1171. He landed at Waterford and met with little or no resistance and so Ireland passed into the hands of England.
Today, the Irish Republic would consider itself free from the invader of 1171. It is not so. The invader of Patrick's Ireland is still entrenched in the land. That invader is Roman Ca- tholicism. What little there remains of Gospel religion in Ulster is the remnant of the faith that Patrick, under God, introduced some 1550 years ago. May it be our prayer and may it be the objective of our labours to see that the light of the Gospel is still burning on this is- land when the Saviour returns. 

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