Monday, January 21, 2008


I don't like authority. At least I don't like other people's authority. - A. C. Benson (1862 &endash; 1925)

Many refuse to accept the reality of a personal God because they are unwilling to submit to His authority Kurt Bruner

I have as much authority as the Pope...I just don't have as many people who believe it.--George Carlin

I do not believe that God created an egalitarian world. I believe the authority of parent over child, husband ever wife, learned over simple, to have been as much a part of the original plan as the authority of man over beast. I believe that if we had not fallen Filmer would be right, and patriarchal monarchy would be the sole lawful government. C. S. Lewis "Membership" Sobernost #31 (June 1945)

Unless I am convicted by scripture and plain reason -- I do not accept the authority of the popes and councils, for they have contradicted each other -- my conscience is captive to the Word of God. I cannot and I will not recant anything for to go against conscience is neither right nor safe. God help me. Amen.
Martin Luther, at the Imperial Diet at Worms, 18 April 1521.

Real authority is the power to serve.-- Dick McMullen

There are few things more distasteful to modern man than subjection to authority and the demand for obedience to authority.PRINCIPLES OF CONDUCT [John Murray. Eerdmans.1984. p104]

If it be true that the world has lost its respect for authority, it is only because it lost it first in the home. --Fulton John Sheen (1895-1979)_On Being Human_ [1982]

Parliament isn't the great institution of life. Churches are your great institutions, as are your great voluntary associations. And you're entitled to look to them and say, "Look, there are certain standards, and if you undermine fundamentally these standards you'll be changing our way of life." When the authority of those institutions is undermined because they haven't been forthright [about the behavior that causes the spread of AIDS], it is then that people turn too much to the State.- Margaret Thatcher"Aids, Education and the Year 2000," Woman's Own, 3 October 1987,Page 10:

Anyone who in discussion relies upon authority ["experts"] uses not his understanding but rather his memory. -- Leonardo da Vinci

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