CSW is urgently calling for action on behalf of Pastor Yousef Nadarkhani who faces execution anytime from Thursday onwards after refusing to renounce his faith.
Pastor Nadarkhani is currently on trial in Rasht. He has appeared in court three times this week and each time has refused to renounce his faith when asked to do so by the court.
Use the form below to email the Iranian embassy, urging them not to go ahead with the execution following the trial.
The facts:
- Pastor Nadarkhani is repeatedly being asked by the court in Rasht to renounce his faith in order to avoid execution and that the last chance he will be given to do so is tomorrow (Wednesday 28th September), after which he could be executed at any time.
- Pastor Nadarkhani has been charged, and faces execution, solely on the basis of his adopting Christian faith. As such, the Islamic Republic of Iran is violating its obligations under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). Article 18 includes a provision for the right to “have or to adopt” a religion, which has been interpreted authoritatively by the UN Human Rights Committee as including the right to change one’s religion.
- Iran’s constitution sanctions Christianity as a legitimate minority faith and asserts that Christians are allowed to freely carry out their religious rites. Article 23 asserts that no one may be “reprimanded simply because of having a certain belief”.
- You should address your email to “Your Excellency, the Ambassador of Iran” and don’t forget to thank him for passing on your appeal, as a sign of respect.
- Express concern over the latest developments in Pastor Yousef Nadarkhani’s case.
- Express your hope that the Iranian judiciary will cease to pursue their current course of action against Pastor Nadarkhani and will acquit him of all charges, in accordance with Iranian and international law.
- Request that the Ambassador passes your appeal on to the Iranian Government as a matter of urgency.
Message FAQs
- Your name and address will be included at the bottom of your email.
- Your message will come from your email address.
- Once you have written your message, click the button below to send your message.
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