Friday, March 07, 2008


S]trive to imbue that people with good morals, and bring it to pass, as well through yourself as through those whom you know from their faith, doctrine, and course of life to be fit for such a work, that the church may there be adorned, the Christian religion planted and made to grow, and the things which pertain to the honor of God and to salvation be so ordered that you may merit to obtain an abundant and lasting reward from God, and on earth a name glorious throughout the ages, - Pope Adrian IV to Henry II of England, encouraging him to invade Ireland so the Irish church would come under the See of Rome.

I'm sick and tired of Irish Americans coming up to me, who haven't been back to their country in years, and talking about the glory of the revolution. Where's the glory in taking a man out in front of his wife and kids and shooting him? In leaving people out with their medals all brushed up laying under the rubble, dying for the glory of the revolution? ~Bono, New Musical Express(1988)

Oh the bricks they will bleed and the rain it will weep
And the damp Lagan fog lull the city to sleep
It's to hell with the future and live on the past
May the Lord in his Mercy be Kind to Belfast.
Maurice Craig
When I told the people of Northern Ireland that I was an atheist, a woman in the audience stood up and asked if the god I did not believe in was the protestand God or the catholic one. - Quentin Crisp

I have never met anyone in Ireland who understood the Irish Question, except one Englishman who had only been there a week. Keith Fraser MP, House of Commons, May 1920.

This is one race of people for whom psychoanalysis is of no use whatsoever. -- Sigmund Freud (about the Irish)

Murder is murder is murder. - John Paul II to the IRA , Ireland, 1979, quoted in Brenda Maddox, Maggie the First Lady, p134

To the north of the island of Inkiltere is the island of Irlanda. Its length is some twelve days' journey, and its breadth at the center about four days, and it is famous for its multiplicity of dissension. Its people were heathens and then adopted Christianity in imitation of their neighbours. - Ibn Sa'id - 13th century

There is a story that when incoming jets throttle back for the approach to Belfast's Aldergrove Airport, the pilots tell their passengers to put their watches back to local time--1690. -- Quoted by Russell Miller, 1980

When a man takes a farm from which another has been evicted, you must show him ... by putting him into a moral Coventry, by isolating him from his kind as if he were a leper of old - you must show him your detestation of the crimes he has committed. - Charles Stuart Parnell, 19 September 1880: the first person to be so treated was Captain Boycott.

Being born in a stable does not make one a horse.-- The Duke of Wellington, when referred to as Irish

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