Saturday, February 09, 2008

Oh the poor persecuted p.....

You may fill in the dots.

BBC says, "The Gay Police Association said calls to its helpline were increasing The number of complaints about homophobia within the police has risen by almost a quarter...Chairman of the Gay Police Association Paul Cahill said: "We've had officers refusing to work with gay officers but also slightly more sinister expressions of homophobia."We had situations where colleagues would come in to work and on parade would openly state their religious opposition to homosexuality and would even quote sections of the Bible. [This was] completely out of context with being at work and on parade."Many gay officers quite rightly felt that was an attempt to intimidate or harass them."But the officers behaving in that way would say 'we were asserting our right to freedom of religious expression' - albeit that it was questionable in the context in which it was raised, the timing and the manner in which it was raised."Mr Cahill said some officers were using legislation promoting tolerance to be "openly homophobic and get away with it on the grounds they are entitled to under law - albeit that the law doesn't go that far."'

Well the disciplinary procedures are there and the courts are open. Why should any man want to disclose his sexuality and then have his behaviour protected from criticism?

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