Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Homosexuality -

Incidence ('Kinsey's shrinking 10%'): According to Time (26 April 1993) only 1% of males are exclusive homosexuals. Project Male Call (Aus. gov't survey 1994) found that 12% H. males have regular unprotected casual sex; 49% _only_casual sex; 19% are in a continuing relationship; 73% have multiple sexual partners.

Everything is controlled by the sods. The country is riddledwith homosexuals who are teaching the world how to behave--a spectacleof revolting hypocrisy.--Sir Thomas Beecham

[W]hile I have no late-breaking evidence that this conflict is imminent, only a fool would fail to get ready for what is almost certainly just ahead. I refer to the threat faced by thousands of churches, schools, and other charitable organizations that their tax-exempt status will sooner or later be placed in jeopardy unless they follow the "public interest" and extend full rights, of every conceivable kind, to homosexuals. Many of us&emdash;and that includes WORLD magazine&emdash;choose to discriminate on the basis of sexual behavior when it comes to initial employment, position, and promotion. But when we do so, it is not merely a matter of choice; we are obligated, we believe, by our most basic convictions to do so....But the homosexual chant is unrelenting: "Separate is never equal," they say, drawing gratuitously on our sensitivities to racial injustices of the past. They don't just want their rights; they want the privilege to exercise those rights smack in the middle of our cherished settings. They want to change our families, our schools, our workplaces, and our churches. For until they do, they know our institutions will sit in implied judgment on their ways. It is that implied judgment they cannot tolerate.- Joel Belz:

The love that previously dared not speak its name has now grown hoarse from screaming it. Robert Brustein, 1977

The . . . problem that confronts homosexuals is that they set out to win the love of a "real" man. If they succeed, they fail. A man who "goes with" other men is not what they would call a real man. The conundrum is incapable of resolution, but that does not make homosexuals give it up. Quentin

Christians do not automatically become non-Christian because they are sinning. The fact they are sinning--even if they do not realize it--does not automatically nullify their salvation.
But neither does their salvation legitimize their sin. A Christian may, indeed, be openly homosexual; that is no proof homosexuality and Christianity are compatible. In fact, a Christian may be openly sinning; that is no proof sin and Christianity are compatible, either.
Ananias and Sapphira, a husband and wife mentioned in Acts Chapter 5, were evidently believers. Yet their sin of hypocrisy (pretending to give more money to the church than they actually did) cost them their lives. They were Christians, and they were in serious error. Their error did not mean they were not Christian; their Christianity did not legitimize their error.
The Apostle Peter was, on one occasion at least, afraid to be seen associating with Gentiles, for fear of reprisals from Jews who felt Jews and Gentiles should never mix. So when Jewish people were not around, he was willing to eat with Gentile friends; when Jews were present, he avoided Gentiles (Gal 2:11-13). His hypocrisy in the face of prejudice was wrong, yet no one doubts he was a Christian. Yet that in no way justified his hypocrisy.
In other words, being a Christian is no indication, in and of itself, that your life is pleasing to God. And any honest believer knows that. It is a waste of time to argue intangibles, such as whether or not a 'gay Christian' is truly born again, or "saved." We may argue that if he continues in sin, he risks hardening his heart toward God, or reaping corruption, since God is not mocked. But we cannot see inside his soul to determine how hardened or deceived he may be.
No matter how proud, confident or loved by God a person is, he can be walking in darkness without knowing it. That is exactly why we have an objective standard by which to judge our actions. "Take heed unto thyself," Paul told Timothy, "and unto the doctrine. Continue in them, for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself, and them that hear thee" (1 Tim 4:16).
Saying "I'm Christian and gay" proves nothing. The question shouldn't be Can a person be homosexual and still belong to God? But rather, Is homosexuality right or wrong according to the Bible. --Joe Dallas

The love that dare not speak its name has become the love that never knows when to shut up.
Robertson Davies, Murther and the Walking Spirits

Wilde was a man who cloaked those things in flowery language....He never used the word "sodomitic"....he would express horror at such language. - Lord Alfred Douglas in Wilde's last Stand, Philip Hoare, p152

He (Wilde) was tghe most conceited man that ever lived. - Lord Alfred Douglas in Wilde's last Stand, Philip Hoare, p153

All of this illiberalism [of the campaigns to defund and exclude the Boy Scouts from public facilities] stems from a fundamental change in the gay rights movement. It began by arguing that adults should be free to do what they choose in the privacy of their own bedrooms, without government interference. But today, the movement advocates the very different proposition that the power of government should be used to force everyone to approve of homosexual conduct, morally and socially. That cannot be achieved by liberal means, because it is not a liberal goal.-- Peter Ferrara

Hume-Williams repled, "When did you cease to approve of sodomy?'. ' 'When did I you cease to approve of sodomy?', retorted Douglas, 'I do not think that is a fair question. That is like asking: When did you leave off beating your wife?' - Philip Hoare, Wilde's last Stand, p156

Billing asked Douglas if he knew 'from his own knowlegde' that Wilde was a 'sexual and moral pervert'. 'Yes, I do,' said Douglas. 'he admitted it; he never attempted to disguise it after his conviction....whoever was there,, he always began by admitting it, glorying in it.' Douglas said he regretted ever having met Wilde. 'I think he had a diabolical influence on everyone he met. I think he is the greatest force for evil that has appeared in Europe during the last 350 yeras.' .....he was the agent of the devil in every possible way. he was a man whose whole object in life was to attack and sneer at virtue, and to undermine it in every way and by every possible means, sexually and otherwise.He thought all Wilde's works ought to be destroyed, 'I do not think he ever wrote a thing in his life that had not an evil intention.....except perhaps a stray poem or two.' - Philip Hoare, Wilde's last Stand, p152

As one gay activist, quoted by Rotello, wrote: "Gay liberation means sexual freedom. And sexual freedom means more sex, better sex, sex in the bushes, in the toilets, in the baths, sex without love, sex without harassment, sex at home and sex in the streets." It also means death. David Horowitz, 1997

Thus it is striking that EVERY TIME HOMOSEXUAL PRACTICE IS MENTIONED IN THE SCRIPTURES, IT IS CONDEMNED. There are only two ways one can neutralise the biblical witness against homosexual behaviour: by gross misinterpretation or by moving away from a high view of Scripture.
"The Loving Opposition" Stanton L. Jones From Christianity Today, Vol. 37, July 19, 1993, pp. 18-25

It would encourage clear thinking on these matters if persons were not characterised as heterosexual or homosexual, but as individuals who have had certain amounts of heterosexual experience or homosexual experience. Instead of using these terms as substantives which stand for persons, or even as adjectives to describe persons, they may be better be used to describe the nature of the overt sexual relations, or of the stimuli to which an individual erotically responds.
Sexual Behaviour in the Human Male Kinsey et al 1948 p617

Homosexuality is the sexual plague of a monogamous society gone promiscuous. These societies that sow the winds of heterosexual freedom ironically reap the whirlwind of homosexual perversion. John W Miller

One of the problems with the current dialogue on homosexuality is that the two sides are looking at the issue differently.Homosexuals prefer to see their homosexuality as an inherent part of their ontology, something as ineradicable as ethnicity. On this basis they seek class status in the eyes of the law, and if the law accepts their presupposition of homosexuality as an inherent property of their being, then it would be consistent for the law to follow through with all the rights and privileges afforded to any other class.But most folk on the other side of the debate see homosexuality not as an inherent property of a person, but rather something that is behaviorally predicated. This is to say, that one 'is' or comes to be called a homosexual in the same sense that one 'is' or comes to be called a philatelist, a golfer, a fisherman, or even an athlete." Robinson W. Mitchell

In the gay [Catholic] community, it would seem, the maxim is: love the sin and love the sinner, but hate anyone who calls it a sin or him a sinner. -- Richard John Neuhaus, "Scandal Time (Continued)", _First Things, June/July 2002.

Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God (6:9&endash;11, ESV).
What is Paul talking about in this vice list? Answer: Lifestyles, regular behaviour patterns, habits of mind and action. He has in view not single lapses followed by repentance, forgiveness, and greater watchfulness (with God's help) against recurrence, but ways of life in which some of his readers were set, believing that for Christians there was no harm in them.
What is Paul saying about homosexuality? Answer: Those who claim to be Christ's should avoid the practice of same-sex physical connection for orgasm, on the model of heterosexual intercourse. Paul's phrase, "men who practice homosexuality," covers two Greek words for the parties involved in these acts. The first, arsenokoitai, means literally "male-bedders," which seems clear enough. The second, malakoi, is used in many connections to mean "unmanly," "womanish," and "effeminate," and here refers to males matching the woman's part in physical sex. - J I Packer

History shows that male homosexuality, which like prostitution flourishes with urbanisation and soon becomes predictably ritualised, always tends toward decadence. Camille Paglia, Salon

Martin Luther King, leading the civil-rights movement in the '60s, appealed to the American nation to return to the core truths and values embodied in our Declaration of Independence. The rights that blacks sought then were not some new political agenda. Dr.King reminded Americans of their own faith and the eternal truths that hold this country together &endash; that all men are created equal and that we are endowed by our Creator with inalienable rights. The civil-rights movement did not challenge our beliefs as a nation. It was a movement to call a nation to task that strayed from its own ideals.
The "gay" movement would like to present itself as the latest chapter in the civil-rights movement. But it is quite the opposite. Homosexuals are not pushing this nation to return to eternal truths from which it has strayed. They are pushing us to deny that there are eternal truths and to move in the direction of a world where we make up the rules as we go along. Such a world is, of course, a world defined ultimately by politics and power.
Such a political world, where truths and principles are gone, and where we think the world is defined by government, defines the welfare state. --Star Parker, "Politics of Sex, Politics of Race

Whether these matters are to be regarded as sport, or as earnest, we must not forget that this pleasure is held to have been granted by nature to male and female when conjoined for the work of procreation; the crime of male with male, or female with female, is an outrage on nature and a capital surrender to lust of pleasure.--Plato, The Collected Dialogues of Plato, including the Letters, Edited by Edith Hamilton and Huntington Cairns, Bollingen Series LXXI, 1961, Princeton University Press, Princeton, N. J., p. 1237.

Our democracy is currently facing a crisis that I would like to a consider a "tyranny of the minority." Under the guise of fighting for individual rights, which Americans hold as precious, homosexual activists are trying to obtain an artificial right that would in no way be individual. Using sympathetic judges, these activists are overstepping their bounds as citizens of this country. They believe that their individual freedoms are insufficient&emdash;they are trying to steal an institution that doesn't belong to them.They compare their quest to that of the civil rights activists of Martin Luther King's day.The difference between the two? Black-Americans simply sought the individual rights that they were entitled to under the Constitution. Is marriage an individual right? No, it is neither individual nor a right. Marriage is a social contract that at its basic meaning has the type of sexual relations that only opposite-gendered couples can perform as a requirement. This is thievery of a social institution. A single woman cannot claim the title "Mrs." because that would be misrepresenting who she is and would devalue the status preserved for married women. The definition is set, regardless of whether a single woman feels she is being discriminated against. In the same way, a definition of marriage is set so that it precludes homosexual relationships. For a homosexual couple to claim marriage status, they would be misrepresenting themselves and devaluing a status preserved for opposite-gendered couples. - Stephen Roberts

"Gay" used to be one of the most agreeable words in the language. Its appropriation by a notably morose group is an act of piracy. Arthur M. Schlessinger, 1976

A popular God-is-dead book in the United States argues that homosexuality will become normal in a humanistic society where there is no restriction of morals which come from religion. St. Paul declared homosexuality and atheism were related to one another as effect to cause. --Fulton John Sheen (1895-1979) _Footprints in a Darkened Forest_ [1967]

I think homosexuality is a disgusting abomination. There I said it. Is that so wrong? Please don't blame me. Decidedly more than one in ten are with me on this, but the pressure to remain in the closet is powerful. People actually hate people like me, all because of what we think in the privacy of our own minds. And the thing is, I didn't even choose to be this way. God made, or rather remade me this way. No one in their right mind would actually chose to be this way. So what I want to know is, who are these people to judge me? What gives them the right to say that what I believe is wrong? Why can't we all just learn to love each other? You know it's not as though I haven't tried to be the other way. But even thinking about what they do turns my stomach. So I have an aversion, sue me. (No, please don't. In these dark days for folks like me, you might actually win). I only hope that by coming out I might give the courage to others like me, that they might know that there are people who will accept them, just the way they are, that won't try to change them, or judge them. If only we all would come out. Maybe then we wouldn't be such social outcasts. Maybe then we could actually have a good character or two on television. Maybe then we won't have our homes covered with graffiti, our windows smashed in by bricks. Maybe then people like me would feel safe in the world.
All you ahomophiles out there, come on out and join me. It is so freeing out in the open. Be what you are, without shame and fear. R. C. Sproul, Jnr.

We do not have to affirm homosexuals in their homosexuality, as our culture insists, but we do have to love them, and we haven't yet figured out how to do that. Daniel Taylor, Deconstructing the gospel of tolerance., Christianity Today. January 11, 1999 Vol. 43, No. 1, Page 42.

The homosexual subculture based on brief, barren assignations is, in part, a dark mirror of the sex-obsessed majority culture. George Will, 1977

The middle age of buggers is not to be contemplated without horror.--Virginia Woolf

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