Friday, February 01, 2008

As we suspected

The Christian Institute reports, "The statistics show that there are far fewer homosexuals than most people are led to believe.
A Government survey has revealed that just one in every 100 people in the UK describes themselves as homosexual.
In the survey of 4,000 people conducted by the Office of National Statistics (ONS) the vast majority (94.4 per cent) said they were heterosexual. Under one per cent said they were 'bisexual' and three per cent did not give an answer.
Statisticians took two years to decide how to phrase the question in order to get the most accurate result. Despite this, ONS has claimed its results are "not a reliable estimate" of the homosexual population.
The last Census, the most comprehensive survey of the UK population, appears to confirm there are fewer homosexuals than many people are led to believe. It found there are fewer than 40,000 same-sex households in England and Wales, representing less than 0.2% of all households."

Incidence ('Kinsey's shrinking 10%'): According to Time (26 April 1993) only 1% of males are exclusive homosexuals. Project Male Call (Aus. gov't survey 1994) found that 12% H. males have regular unprotected casual sex; 49% _only_casual sex; 19% are in a continuing relationship; 73% have multiple sexual partners.

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