Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Arab education 'falling behind'

BBC reports, "Sixty percent of the Arab World's population is under 30 years old
The World Bank has said the quality of education in the Arab world is falling behind other regions and needs urgent reform if it is to tackle unemployment. In a report, bank officials said Arab states had to make improving education their top priority, because it went hand-in-hand with economic development. The region had not seen the increasing literacy and school enrolment witnessed in Asia and Latin America, they said. Djibouti, Yemen, Iraq and Morocco were ranked the worst educational reformers.
In its report, the World Bank issued a stark warning about the need for better education in the Arab world. It said that although education was becoming more accessible and the gender gap was being reduced, the region had not witnessed the positive changes seen in Asia and Latin America, particularly in literacy rates and enrolments in secondary schools and universities. A senior World Bank official, Marwan Muasher, told the BBC that educational reform had to take top priority if the region's youth were to be better equipped in a fast-changing world and high unemployment combated. "The time has come for countries to focus their energies on the quality of education and making sure that students are equipped with what they need for the labour market needs now - the ability to solve problems, critical thinking, innovation, and teacher retraining," he said. "

So why does not this item nor the report adress the root of the problem, a religion that does not encourage learning outside its own culture? Read Ind Warraq and see its recidivism.

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