The consultant surgeon has done his round. He confirms slow recovery. Some time to regain bowel control which is an embarrassment. He hopes I will be down to the main ward today and to expect two three more days there. Hoping they have better food! I have now had a couple of Spanish nurses as well as the Philippinos.
Visit from physiotherapist who says that continual walks along the ward will promote healing. Best rationale for exercise this reluctant mover has ever heard. I do have a very pretty young Spanish nurse but when she had difficulty finding a vein for bloods I said she was the Spanish Inquisition and I had protestant veins. I doubt if she understood.
Transferred back to main ward where I was admitted.
Best meal in here so far. I have become Jewish. Kosher dinner, sesame chicken schnitzel, sweet and sour sauce, parisienne potatoes and sauerkraut. Delicious, with stewed apple and custard to finish. From now on I am Jewish, lunch and dinner.
I now have a Yoruba nurse. Earlier a Polish doctor trained in Malta and last but not least, a nurse from Ullapool.
Managed to get out of bed unaided and walk to the toilet for the first time in five days. Romanian nurse from Timosoara. Visits from my daughters and Pastor Paul.
Overnight nurses from Nepal and Devon. Reasonable night but pressed my buzzer to call nurses three times as elderly Abdul was crying out in distress, not pressing his buzzer. I am managing to get to the toilet myself though not in time

Doctor said I could be discharged it I wished but I agree with Rachel that I need a home care package as I cannot manage stairs or get to the loo in time at present.
The Philippino occupational therapist met with me and Rachel. She is arranging for Ealing Social Services to supply two commodes and perhaps an assessment as to care needs. Tomorrow the physic will assess capabilities on stairs and the hospital will contact Ealing district nursing for support and supplies. Maybe home Thursday. I do feel weak and incontinence is a great embarrassment.As well as Rachel here this afternoon, a cheering visit from church member and nurse, Nicky Rae
Katy and Adrian visited tonight I must be ill. For the first time I can remember I refused a perfectly good meal. Earlier in the afternoon an encouraging visit from fellow elder Paul Meiners and Jess the church administrator.
Mixed night. A most caring Philippino nurse Anne, but a less than diligent Ghanain one.Iam to have words with sister. Physio escorted me to the stairs. I managed to climb one flight so they say I am fit for home. Urinary incontinence is still a problem. I will spare you the details. One strange thing is loss of appetite. Yesterday I struggled to get through half the lunch, Same today and I did not touch dinner last night. Very odd for me. My three family ladies visited and two kind church members. Appetite is improving but not my normal self. I am frustrated by the failure to treat my urinary incontinence which is so much worse since admission here. I do not want to agree to go home until a nursing care plan is in place for how could Katy cope when the hospital here are not doing all that could be done IMO?
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