I have decided not to repeat the cycles of council duties except where they changed.
Jul 7th Charlie the Chinese researcher has attended All Souls and been baptised. When I related the history of missions in China he was able to identify emperors sympathetic and those antagonistic to the gospel.
12th IPC international food fair.
14th Visited Antioch, charismatics in Acton.
17th Session planning at Martins, Oxford
18th Dad staying
15th Farewell for Abrahams. He has given up being consultant neurologist to be a missionary in north India.
16th Led for Paul Clowney preaching. Visited Armenian Centre, Acton. Ealing has the largest Armenian community in UK.
24th Dad left for Thirsk
28th Ivor Lowe preached
Aug Holiday in Cornwall. St Just, St Michael's Mount, Scillies, Red Arrows
Council members cricket match me the Conservatives wicket keeper.
13th Cartmels to dinner.
28th Chis Baddock to dinner
Sep 7th Church away day at Black Park, Stoke Poges
!0th Presbytery at Kingston.
Visited Leapers
13th Oliver Claassen, from CA to dinner
Oct 4th Wendy, Joan,Kirsty to dinner
Nov 4th Church AGM
10th Robed at Greenford Hall for Remembrance Sunday parade.
15th Dinner at the Weales.
29-30th IPC synod.
Dec 7 EJAMS concert
14th The Magic Flute, Brent.
Father Christmas in hired suit at Gateway Willesden Green.
22nd led carol service.
24th Godwin Lekwuwa neurologist from Ibadan here for Christmas
26th Sue purer to dinner
28th Malhotras entertained.
31sy Party then watchnight service .
Friday, September 28, 2018
Thursday, September 27, 2018
Diary w/e 29 Sep 2018
Sun 23 Sep
Chris Roberts continued his excellent adult Sunday School on atonement with a lesson on substitution. Once again Paul Levy's sermon was excellent on four things about faith from Heb 11. Encouraging to see a lot of visitors, old members returning for the day and a team from a Florida church. My pastoral visit after church was to a family from Brazil and Portugal. Then in the evening I took two members, American and Portuguese to the detention centre. Numbers are down. It seems that after the Windrush affair the Home Office is detaining fewer immigrants. But my colleague David gave them a very challenging talk on witness to Muslims.
Mon 24th
Visit from our friends of 49 years, the Braithwaites. We plan a holiday with them in the cottage of mutual old friends in Gloucestershire next year.
Tues 25th
Ealing Tweet Up-the third I have attended. Free food and drink for networking.Honest Burger is superior catering. Pleased to meet up with veteran councillor Tony Young and one Ian Proud new to the council.
Wed 26th
At early start. Collected by Paul Levy and driven to Newport, South Wales for an immigration appeal hearing. Hamid, the appellant was with us and one more church member, all of us to testify that Hamid is a genuine Christian so in danger if he has to return to Iran. Our barrister was very able so we can but pray for a favourable verdict from the judge in about two weeks. Good house group at Cracks with visitors from Florida. On 1 Sam 27.
Thu 27th
9/11 elders at early morning prayer. One in hospital, one working. Good fellowship. Good U3A with photographic competition results and Ian Richardson, former head of BBC Arabic TV on Is the BBC a leftie organisation. Most enjoyable lunch again with the Littles at Prezzo, Ruislip. Dug again a corner plot of the garden and spread the clay breaker on the soil.
Fri 28 Sep
I had my annual flu jab at Tesco's pharmacy while Katy shopped. After lunch we drove to David and family in Canterbury with about 50 minutes of delays on the M25.
Sat 29 Sep
Visited Ramsgate tunnels. Beneath Ramsgate lies an abandoned labyrinth of tunnels which extends for more than 3 miles around the town. This unique underground city was constructed as part of the town’s Air Raid Precautions in 1939 and includesa former main line railway tunnel dating back to 1863.
Chris Roberts continued his excellent adult Sunday School on atonement with a lesson on substitution. Once again Paul Levy's sermon was excellent on four things about faith from Heb 11. Encouraging to see a lot of visitors, old members returning for the day and a team from a Florida church. My pastoral visit after church was to a family from Brazil and Portugal. Then in the evening I took two members, American and Portuguese to the detention centre. Numbers are down. It seems that after the Windrush affair the Home Office is detaining fewer immigrants. But my colleague David gave them a very challenging talk on witness to Muslims.
Mon 24th
Visit from our friends of 49 years, the Braithwaites. We plan a holiday with them in the cottage of mutual old friends in Gloucestershire next year.
Tues 25th
Ealing Tweet Up-the third I have attended. Free food and drink for networking.Honest Burger is superior catering. Pleased to meet up with veteran councillor Tony Young and one Ian Proud new to the council.
Wed 26th
At early start. Collected by Paul Levy and driven to Newport, South Wales for an immigration appeal hearing. Hamid, the appellant was with us and one more church member, all of us to testify that Hamid is a genuine Christian so in danger if he has to return to Iran. Our barrister was very able so we can but pray for a favourable verdict from the judge in about two weeks. Good house group at Cracks with visitors from Florida. On 1 Sam 27.
Thu 27th
9/11 elders at early morning prayer. One in hospital, one working. Good fellowship. Good U3A with photographic competition results and Ian Richardson, former head of BBC Arabic TV on Is the BBC a leftie organisation. Most enjoyable lunch again with the Littles at Prezzo, Ruislip. Dug again a corner plot of the garden and spread the clay breaker on the soil.
Fri 28 Sep
I had my annual flu jab at Tesco's pharmacy while Katy shopped. After lunch we drove to David and family in Canterbury with about 50 minutes of delays on the M25.
Sat 29 Sep
Visited Ramsgate tunnels. Beneath Ramsgate lies an abandoned labyrinth of tunnels which extends for more than 3 miles around the town. This unique underground city was constructed as part of the town’s Air Raid Precautions in 1939 and includesa former main line railway tunnel dating back to 1863.
Tuesday, September 25, 2018
The changing world (164) Apr-Jun 1991
1st Apr Egyptian student stayed with us.over Easter
2nd Education group.
9th Education committee
13th Visited the Wells in Staines
15th Conservative group.
17th Relate committee
18th Special council meeting
19th Ward surgery
23rd Walford and also Melbourne governors
29th SACRe and group meetings
30th Full council
May 2nd Group meeting
5th Preaching in evening IPC
13th Visited Deb's fairly House school
16th Group meeting
18th Stocktaking
19th Preaching at IPC evening service
21st Annual Council
26th Church pot luck lunch
27th Braithwaites here to lunch
Jun 1st Presbytery
3rd Congregational meeting
4th Schools committee
10th Visit to Debbie's Fairley House teachers.
11th Walford governors
17th Val Inchley from Nepal stayed. Presbytery
18th Relate and Oldfield governors
20th Social cervices committee
21st 25 invited to our party celebrating Wendy Barber's return from Bangladesh.
2th Melbourne governors
2nd Education group.
9th Education committee
13th Visited the Wells in Staines
15th Conservative group.
17th Relate committee
18th Special council meeting
19th Ward surgery
23rd Walford and also Melbourne governors
29th SACRe and group meetings
30th Full council
May 2nd Group meeting
5th Preaching in evening IPC
13th Visited Deb's fairly House school
16th Group meeting
18th Stocktaking
19th Preaching at IPC evening service
21st Annual Council
26th Church pot luck lunch
27th Braithwaites here to lunch
Jun 1st Presbytery
3rd Congregational meeting
4th Schools committee
10th Visit to Debbie's Fairley House teachers.
11th Walford governors
17th Val Inchley from Nepal stayed. Presbytery
18th Relate and Oldfield governors
20th Social cervices committee
21st 25 invited to our party celebrating Wendy Barber's return from Bangladesh.
2th Melbourne governors
Robertson on Pride
“As a Christian church we really don’t regard pride as a virtue – there is a lot to be said for humility. We don’t agree with the somewhat confused and simplistic message of these Pride marches. However we recognise that people have a right to march for their cause and to express their views. We won’t be going to the march, but nor will we be organising a counter march. We hope however that, at a time of council cuts and shortages, public money will not be spent on funding and helping promote one view. If the Council were to fund this march then surely they would be duty bound in the name of love, equality, diversity and tolerance to fund a Christian Humility march?! We also reject the simplistic narrative that those who are opposed to these marches are necessarily homophobic. There are some gay activists who have come to deplore the commercialisation and corporate sponsorship of many of these events. We would hope in a pluralistic society that we would be given the freedom and opportunity to express our view that the traditional Christian view of sex, sexuality and family is the best for our culture and to be allowed to question the sexual philosophy of our cultural elites, which, in our view, is wrecking havoc in our communities. We remind people that the rainbow is a Christian symbol speaking of a covenant keeping God who lovingly warns us of the consequences of turning away from his ways and who delights to show mercy. We would also like to point to the need of all of us to repent and seek the face of God. The Pride marchers talk about Love…we follow the One who is Love and would want all, whatever their sexuality, to know Him.”- David Robertson
How Should the Church React to Inverness/Stornoway Gay Pride?, https://theweeflea.com/2018/09/17/how-should-the-church-react-to-inverness-stornoway-gay-pride/
How Should the Church React to Inverness/Stornoway Gay Pride?, https://theweeflea.com/2018/09/17/how-should-the-church-react-to-inverness-stornoway-gay-pride/
Monday, September 24, 2018
The changing world (163) Jan-Mar 1991
Jan 7th Conservative group meeting.
8th Relate committee
13th Preached on the presentation at the temple.
15th Schools committee
18th Ward surgery
21st Group meeting
22nd Full council
27th Civic service at St Mary's. John Ross preached at IPC in the evening. I knew him from Qua Ibo Mission in Nigeria, Evangelical Presbyterians in Ireland and now in mission to Jews.
28th To the House of Lords and Baroness Cox education meeting.
Feb 5th Social Services pre-meeting
7th Social Services committee
10th Preached Rom2:10-16
13th Walford High governors
14th Oldfield governors
15th Ward surgery
16th Stocktaking
18th Group meeting
21st Ward committee
25th Social services then Council
26th Schools committee
27th Free Church federal Council AGM
28th Sacre
Mar 4th Group meeting
5th Full Council
7th Melbourne governors
9th To Marriage of Figaro, Bent
11th Congregational meeting
12th Melbourne governors
15th Ward surgery
21st Walford governors. Ward committee.
23rd Hot cross bun tea, Costons ward.
26th Social services pre-meeting
27th Social services committee
8th Relate committee
13th Preached on the presentation at the temple.
15th Schools committee
18th Ward surgery
21st Group meeting
22nd Full council
27th Civic service at St Mary's. John Ross preached at IPC in the evening. I knew him from Qua Ibo Mission in Nigeria, Evangelical Presbyterians in Ireland and now in mission to Jews.
28th To the House of Lords and Baroness Cox education meeting.
Feb 5th Social Services pre-meeting
7th Social Services committee
10th Preached Rom2:10-16
13th Walford High governors
14th Oldfield governors
15th Ward surgery
16th Stocktaking
18th Group meeting
21st Ward committee
25th Social services then Council
26th Schools committee
27th Free Church federal Council AGM
28th Sacre
Mar 4th Group meeting
5th Full Council
7th Melbourne governors
9th To Marriage of Figaro, Bent
11th Congregational meeting
12th Melbourne governors
15th Ward surgery
21st Walford governors. Ward committee.
23rd Hot cross bun tea, Costons ward.
26th Social services pre-meeting
27th Social services committee
Saturday, September 22, 2018
Diary w/e 22 Sep 2018
Sun 16 Sep
Early morning walk round Aberdeen - Union Street and the old kirk yard. Given a ride to Trinity IPC two miles north in the Northern Hotel. Congregation about the same as ours, circa 120+. David Gibson leads well. Music group very good and singing powerful\ul. I expected a repeat sermon from Paul Levy and it was his excellent conversion sermon - the Ethiopian eunuch. I walked back to the hotel going astray at one point. Gilcomstom church in the evening. I was too tired for the uphill long walk to trinity IPC. I knew of Gilcomstom from William Sfill's long ministry and its widespread influence.Jerry Middleton is an outstanding preacher and very welcoming. One of the best sermons I have hear and it was Lloyd-Jones length too. Rev 12 - Jesus victorious. very helpful on angels and the wiles of the devil too. Another good organ and a modern music group too. Friendly welcome and met Mike Richards, octogenarian professor of pharmacy and OMF missionary in Thailand. Gilcomston have like Trinity IPC purchased the building from the Church of Scotland but Gilcomston has gone independent which I find sad.
Mon 17 Sep
Visited Maritime Museum. Too much oil industry and not enough history for me. The Tolbooth Museum. Small and very cramped going up ancient stone spiral staircases. Staff ignorant of Alexander Cruden's incarceration there. Walked to Gallowgate where Rutherford lived and is forgotten by Aberdeen. Went to the old parish kirk. Very odd seating arrangement.
Tue 18 Sep
Aberdeen 7.35 - 6 on the coach south. only one other going to London. Rain. Next stop Dundee which took 92 minutes. From Dundee to Perth - 34 minutes. 69 minutes from Perth then to my surprise we had to change coaches in Glasgow. A 20 minute wait then away. 16 passengers going towards Carlisle. England and the weather is fine. Sunshine! 119 minutes from Glasgow. 1425 left Tebay M6 services for Sandbach, arriving 16.15. 20 minute break for refreshments. Arrived Birmingham 18.06 - 101 minutes. Left 18.38. 85 minutes to the last stop before London, Milton Keynes. Victoria at 21.30. Home by tube and bus by 23.00. I prefer long distance coach to long haul flying.
Wed 19 Sep
Good to have the Jones back in our house group. I led on 1 Sam 26.
Thu 20 Sep
U3A lecture on the history of surgery by an enthusiastic surgeon doing a Ph.D at St Marks, Harrow. The meetings secretary will have me speak on Nigeria next July.
Fri 21 Sep
Dismantled our bed which is to go upstairs and bagged the mattress to be taken by the people bringing our new bed. Two Nepalis worked very efficiently delivering and assembling the bed. Shopped with Katy. Salisbury's wishing us 'Happy Diwali' but Tescos have 'Christmas buy early'. Cooked chicken satay and sweet Thai chilli vegetarian stir fry with noodles
Sat 22 Sep
On volunteer duty at the Evangelical Library. Out to Rachel's. Pizza with the children while parents go to celebrate birthday and 17th wedding anniversary.
Early morning walk round Aberdeen - Union Street and the old kirk yard. Given a ride to Trinity IPC two miles north in the Northern Hotel. Congregation about the same as ours, circa 120+. David Gibson leads well. Music group very good and singing powerful\ul. I expected a repeat sermon from Paul Levy and it was his excellent conversion sermon - the Ethiopian eunuch. I walked back to the hotel going astray at one point. Gilcomstom church in the evening. I was too tired for the uphill long walk to trinity IPC. I knew of Gilcomstom from William Sfill's long ministry and its widespread influence.Jerry Middleton is an outstanding preacher and very welcoming. One of the best sermons I have hear and it was Lloyd-Jones length too. Rev 12 - Jesus victorious. very helpful on angels and the wiles of the devil too. Another good organ and a modern music group too. Friendly welcome and met Mike Richards, octogenarian professor of pharmacy and OMF missionary in Thailand. Gilcomston have like Trinity IPC purchased the building from the Church of Scotland but Gilcomston has gone independent which I find sad.
Mon 17 Sep
Visited Maritime Museum. Too much oil industry and not enough history for me. The Tolbooth Museum. Small and very cramped going up ancient stone spiral staircases. Staff ignorant of Alexander Cruden's incarceration there. Walked to Gallowgate where Rutherford lived and is forgotten by Aberdeen. Went to the old parish kirk. Very odd seating arrangement.
Tue 18 Sep
Aberdeen 7.35 - 6 on the coach south. only one other going to London. Rain. Next stop Dundee which took 92 minutes. From Dundee to Perth - 34 minutes. 69 minutes from Perth then to my surprise we had to change coaches in Glasgow. A 20 minute wait then away. 16 passengers going towards Carlisle. England and the weather is fine. Sunshine! 119 minutes from Glasgow. 1425 left Tebay M6 services for Sandbach, arriving 16.15. 20 minute break for refreshments. Arrived Birmingham 18.06 - 101 minutes. Left 18.38. 85 minutes to the last stop before London, Milton Keynes. Victoria at 21.30. Home by tube and bus by 23.00. I prefer long distance coach to long haul flying.
Wed 19 Sep
Good to have the Jones back in our house group. I led on 1 Sam 26.
Thu 20 Sep
U3A lecture on the history of surgery by an enthusiastic surgeon doing a Ph.D at St Marks, Harrow. The meetings secretary will have me speak on Nigeria next July.
Fri 21 Sep
Dismantled our bed which is to go upstairs and bagged the mattress to be taken by the people bringing our new bed. Two Nepalis worked very efficiently delivering and assembling the bed. Shopped with Katy. Salisbury's wishing us 'Happy Diwali' but Tescos have 'Christmas buy early'. Cooked chicken satay and sweet Thai chilli vegetarian stir fry with noodles
Sat 22 Sep
On volunteer duty at the Evangelical Library. Out to Rachel's. Pizza with the children while parents go to celebrate birthday and 17th wedding anniversary.
Thursday, September 20, 2018
The changing world (162) Nov-Dec 1990
Nov 1st Social services committee.
6th Education committee
7th Oldfield governors
11th Robed for the Remembrance Day service at Greenford War Memorial. Evening at the British Legion there.
12th Conservative group
13th Bob Hetherington Conservative whip's funeral. He died driving home from the town hall. Melbourne governors.
16th Ward surgery.
18th Civic service at the Polish church. Great catering.
19th Church meeting for members
20th Schools committee
22nd SACRE
23rd Went to Dream of Gerontius.
25th Heigler family from Texas to lunch.
26th Group meeting.
27th Full council
Dec 2nd Went on Wesley's London walk from Museum of London.
4th Walford governors
5th Lunch at Glaxo
7-8th IPC synod
13th Social Services. Katy's term ends
14th Debbie's term ends
15th John with us
17th Relate - the most boring of duties as I do not agree with non-directive counselling
18th Education committee
19th Twyford term ends
21st Ward surgery
22nd Church carol service
25th Dr Chang-Lin Hand came to stay, our first HOST student. A post doctoral researched at University College we gave hi a Chinese Bible but he preferred Debbies cartoon Bible in her bedroom where he stayed. I went through Genesis with him and encouraged him to go to the Chinese church. He was the only student we know of who came to Christ via staying with us.
26th Eric Larson now at West Point to dinner. Also a Japanese and a Korean student.
27th Messiah at Royal Albert Hall
29th With Deb to civic performance at Questors theatre.
6th Education committee
7th Oldfield governors
11th Robed for the Remembrance Day service at Greenford War Memorial. Evening at the British Legion there.
12th Conservative group
13th Bob Hetherington Conservative whip's funeral. He died driving home from the town hall. Melbourne governors.
16th Ward surgery.
18th Civic service at the Polish church. Great catering.
19th Church meeting for members
20th Schools committee
22nd SACRE
23rd Went to Dream of Gerontius.
25th Heigler family from Texas to lunch.
26th Group meeting.
27th Full council
Dec 2nd Went on Wesley's London walk from Museum of London.
4th Walford governors
5th Lunch at Glaxo
7-8th IPC synod
13th Social Services. Katy's term ends
14th Debbie's term ends
15th John with us
17th Relate - the most boring of duties as I do not agree with non-directive counselling
18th Education committee
19th Twyford term ends
21st Ward surgery
22nd Church carol service
25th Dr Chang-Lin Hand came to stay, our first HOST student. A post doctoral researched at University College we gave hi a Chinese Bible but he preferred Debbies cartoon Bible in her bedroom where he stayed. I went through Genesis with him and encouraged him to go to the Chinese church. He was the only student we know of who came to Christ via staying with us.
26th Eric Larson now at West Point to dinner. Also a Japanese and a Korean student.
27th Messiah at Royal Albert Hall
29th With Deb to civic performance at Questors theatre.
Return to Ealing and update
Return to Ealing, by John Betjeman
Return, return to Ealing,
Worn poet of the farm!
Regain your boyhood feeling
Of uninvaded calm!
For there the leafy avenues
Of lime and chestnut mix’d
Do widely wind, by art designed,
The costly houses ’twixt.
No early morning tractors
The thrush and blackbird drown,
No nuclear reactors
Bulge huge below the down,
No youth upon his motor-bike
His lust for power fulfil
With dentist’d drill intent to kill
The silence of the hills.
In Ealing on a Sunday
Bell-haunted quiet falls,
In Ealing on a Monday
‘Milk-o!’ the milkman calls;
No lorries grind in bottom gear
Up steep and narrow lanes,
Nor constant here offend the ear
Low-flying aeroplanes.
Return, return to Ealing,
Worn poet of the farm!
Regain your boyhood feeling
Of uninvaded calm!
Where smoothly glides the bicycle
And softly flows the Brent
And a gentle gale from Perivale
Sends up the hayfield scent.
Return to Ealing, by Graham
Return, return to Ealing,
Worn poet from the sticks!
Regain your boyhood feeling
Of multi ethnic mix!
For there the leafy avenues
Of lime and chestnut mix’d
Do widely wind, by art designed,
The costly houses ’twixt.
No early morning tractors
The thrush and blackbird drown,
No nuclear reactors
Bulge huge below the down,
The youth upon his motor-bike
His lust for power fulfils
And muggers on their mopeds
Snatch mobiles at their wills.
In Ealing on a Sunday
Sunday trading malls,
In Ealing on a Monday
Constant mobile calls;
Lorries grind in bottom gear
Past buses faster lanes,
And constant here offend the ear
Heathrow's aeroplanes.
Return, return to Ealing,
Worn poet from the sticks!
Regain your boyhood feeling
Of multi ethnic mix!
Where smoothly glides the bicycle
And softly flows the Brent
And Hoovers now in Perivale
Has Tesco flats to rent
Return, return to Ealing,
Worn poet of the farm!
Regain your boyhood feeling
Of uninvaded calm!
For there the leafy avenues
Of lime and chestnut mix’d
Do widely wind, by art designed,
The costly houses ’twixt.
No early morning tractors
The thrush and blackbird drown,
No nuclear reactors
Bulge huge below the down,
No youth upon his motor-bike
His lust for power fulfil
With dentist’d drill intent to kill
The silence of the hills.
In Ealing on a Sunday
Bell-haunted quiet falls,
In Ealing on a Monday
‘Milk-o!’ the milkman calls;
No lorries grind in bottom gear
Up steep and narrow lanes,
Nor constant here offend the ear
Low-flying aeroplanes.
Return, return to Ealing,
Worn poet of the farm!
Regain your boyhood feeling
Of uninvaded calm!
Where smoothly glides the bicycle
And softly flows the Brent
And a gentle gale from Perivale
Sends up the hayfield scent.
Return to Ealing, by Graham
Return, return to Ealing,
Worn poet from the sticks!
Regain your boyhood feeling
Of multi ethnic mix!
For there the leafy avenues
Of lime and chestnut mix’d
Do widely wind, by art designed,
The costly houses ’twixt.
No early morning tractors
The thrush and blackbird drown,
No nuclear reactors
Bulge huge below the down,
The youth upon his motor-bike
His lust for power fulfils
And muggers on their mopeds
Snatch mobiles at their wills.
In Ealing on a Sunday
Sunday trading malls,
In Ealing on a Monday
Constant mobile calls;
Lorries grind in bottom gear
Past buses faster lanes,
And constant here offend the ear
Heathrow's aeroplanes.
Return, return to Ealing,
Worn poet from the sticks!
Regain your boyhood feeling
Of multi ethnic mix!
Where smoothly glides the bicycle
And softly flows the Brent
And Hoovers now in Perivale
Has Tesco flats to rent
The changing world (161) Aug-Oct 1990
The paucity of diary entries indicates a period of depression. We went to Wales on holiday. It was so hot that walking in bare feet on the beach was uncomfortable. We climbed Cader Idris and saw RAF planes flying the valley below us. This is the last ever mountain I climbed. My mother was admitted to Northallerton Hospital and I drove there from Wales on a Sunday and saw her for the last time. She insisted on giving me money for petrol. Visited Harlech.
19th Aug Wendy Barber to dinner.
25th Aug My mother died in her sleep at Northallerton. She was 72. She had instructed that her age not be given on the death notice in the local paper.
Sep 4th Schools committee.
5th Finance briefing.
6th Group meeting
10th Social services committee.
11rh Presbytery
15th Visited Dr Zaki Badawi at the Muslim College.
16th Bulmer family visited.
17th Open evening Fairley House school
19th Oldfield school governors
24th Congregational meeting
25th Conservative governors meeting.
27th Dad visiting us.
30th Geoffrey and Sara visiting us.
Oct 5th Elders meeting.
9th Schools committee
13th Costons ward supper
15th Free church federal council
16th Full council meeting
18th Walford High governors
19th Ward surgery
20th David had friends round to celebrate his 18th birthday - Richard, Rebecca, Luke, Mark, Jeremy
21st Stuart Ferguson the Presbyterian monk to lunch
22nd Dad came down by train
27th Visited Southall mosque.
30th Melbourne governors
31st Group meeting
19th Aug Wendy Barber to dinner.
25th Aug My mother died in her sleep at Northallerton. She was 72. She had instructed that her age not be given on the death notice in the local paper.
Sep 4th Schools committee.
5th Finance briefing.
6th Group meeting
10th Social services committee.
11rh Presbytery
15th Visited Dr Zaki Badawi at the Muslim College.
16th Bulmer family visited.
17th Open evening Fairley House school
19th Oldfield school governors
24th Congregational meeting
25th Conservative governors meeting.
27th Dad visiting us.
30th Geoffrey and Sara visiting us.
Oct 5th Elders meeting.
9th Schools committee
13th Costons ward supper
15th Free church federal council
16th Full council meeting
18th Walford High governors
19th Ward surgery
20th David had friends round to celebrate his 18th birthday - Richard, Rebecca, Luke, Mark, Jeremy
21st Stuart Ferguson the Presbyterian monk to lunch
22nd Dad came down by train
27th Visited Southall mosque.
30th Melbourne governors
31st Group meeting
Monday, September 17, 2018
The changing world (160) Jul 1990
Jul 1st Bob Heppe's New Life team took morning service Lunch at Majiyabe's in town. Watching World Cup later.
2nd Found Assistant SS director is a Christian.
3rd Education committee rather a mess. Tony Young is chairman.
4th Wet and cold school visit to Chessington World of Adventures.
5th Hoard Bilton of Co-op pharmacies to dinner but he has no jobs on offer locally.
6th Worked in Brentford covering for their sick pharmacist.
7th Conservative dinner addressed by Lord Mackay the Lord Chancellor. Surprised he purchased raffle tickets which I eschew.
8th Good preacher from New Life. pot luck lunch.
10th Boring Conservative group until 11.15pm.
11th Oldfield Primary annual meeting for parents.
13th John Majiyagbe with us en route to Nigeria.
15th Hot and humid. Katy not to church in the morning as the building work means the house is not secure.
18th Elders planning day at Martins near Oxford.
19th Education committee.
20th Ward surgery. Few come and those are moaners. I gave up doing them after a few months.
23rd Group meeting.
24th Full council meeting. Guillotine comes down on debate after 11pm. No more debate only votes on motions then a drink with the mayor.
25th Three hours with the director of Social Services.
27th Town planning briefing.
Diary sparse. A sign of depression.
2nd Found Assistant SS director is a Christian.
3rd Education committee rather a mess. Tony Young is chairman.
4th Wet and cold school visit to Chessington World of Adventures.
5th Hoard Bilton of Co-op pharmacies to dinner but he has no jobs on offer locally.
6th Worked in Brentford covering for their sick pharmacist.
7th Conservative dinner addressed by Lord Mackay the Lord Chancellor. Surprised he purchased raffle tickets which I eschew.
8th Good preacher from New Life. pot luck lunch.
10th Boring Conservative group until 11.15pm.
11th Oldfield Primary annual meeting for parents.
13th John Majiyagbe with us en route to Nigeria.
15th Hot and humid. Katy not to church in the morning as the building work means the house is not secure.
18th Elders planning day at Martins near Oxford.
19th Education committee.
20th Ward surgery. Few come and those are moaners. I gave up doing them after a few months.
23rd Group meeting.
24th Full council meeting. Guillotine comes down on debate after 11pm. No more debate only votes on motions then a drink with the mayor.
25th Three hours with the director of Social Services.
27th Town planning briefing.
Diary sparse. A sign of depression.
The changing world (159) Jun 1990
Jun 1st Assistant Asha for part of the day.
3rd Election victory party at the home of the leader, Martin Malam.
4th Assistant Asha all day. With Denise Bell to visit a Sick family concerning the RE syllabus.
5th Asha very very slow. A short and boring Schools Committee.
6th Article in The Times on Ealing RE. Conservative group will support change. Group political briefing - good from Bob Hetherington.
7th My first councillor speech Education Committee, proposing a new sexual equality policy , to replace the old Labour pro-homosexuality one. Summed up at the end of the debate too. Complemented on my performance.
8th Denise handed in SACRE petition. Press coverage disappointing. Helped at Harry Greeenway's MP surgery.
9th Costons Conservatives ploughman's lunch. Art exhibition by Jan Roe of IPC.
10th Larry preached on prayer for evangelism
11th Took Rachel to the coach for school visit to Wales. Perceval House for introduction to Social Services by the director Robin Fleming with whom I was to enjoy working and personal friendship.
12th Conservative school governors meeting supported change in RE syllabus.
13th With help of our builder, Mick, put in fence posts for a new back garden door. To Downing Street with Denise to hand in a petition about the RE syllabus.
14th Asha slow and lacks in hygiene. No evening assistant.
15th Picked up Rachel from coach back from Snowdonia,
16th No assistant all day.
17th Civic service at URC. Very poor. I prefer RC liturgy to liberal Protestantism.
18th Congregational meeting. Finances in good shape.
24th Depressed. hard to stay awake in sermons.
25th Pre-committee briefing for Social Services with assistant director for old people.
26th Selbourne Primary governors.
27th New Irish assistant, Orla.
28th First Social Services committee went well.
29th Work a struggle
30th IPC food fair well attended but no Chinese from next door.
3rd Election victory party at the home of the leader, Martin Malam.
4th Assistant Asha all day. With Denise Bell to visit a Sick family concerning the RE syllabus.
5th Asha very very slow. A short and boring Schools Committee.
6th Article in The Times on Ealing RE. Conservative group will support change. Group political briefing - good from Bob Hetherington.
7th My first councillor speech Education Committee, proposing a new sexual equality policy , to replace the old Labour pro-homosexuality one. Summed up at the end of the debate too. Complemented on my performance.
8th Denise handed in SACRE petition. Press coverage disappointing. Helped at Harry Greeenway's MP surgery.
9th Costons Conservatives ploughman's lunch. Art exhibition by Jan Roe of IPC.
10th Larry preached on prayer for evangelism
11th Took Rachel to the coach for school visit to Wales. Perceval House for introduction to Social Services by the director Robin Fleming with whom I was to enjoy working and personal friendship.
12th Conservative school governors meeting supported change in RE syllabus.
13th With help of our builder, Mick, put in fence posts for a new back garden door. To Downing Street with Denise to hand in a petition about the RE syllabus.
14th Asha slow and lacks in hygiene. No evening assistant.
15th Picked up Rachel from coach back from Snowdonia,
16th No assistant all day.
17th Civic service at URC. Very poor. I prefer RC liturgy to liberal Protestantism.
18th Congregational meeting. Finances in good shape.
24th Depressed. hard to stay awake in sermons.
25th Pre-committee briefing for Social Services with assistant director for old people.
26th Selbourne Primary governors.
27th New Irish assistant, Orla.
28th First Social Services committee went well.
29th Work a struggle
30th IPC food fair well attended but no Chinese from next door.
I am interviewed by a Nigerian journalist
INTERVIEW: Why insurgency persists in Nigeria’s North-east — British Activist

Graham Weeks, a Septuagenarian Englishman
Related News
Graham Weeks, a Septuagenarian Englishman in this interview with PREMIUM TIMES reveals why his passion is seeing an end to the traumatising insurgency ravaging the North-east. The pharmacist turned activist has continued to push for the return of the abducted Chibok and Dapchi schoolgirls in far away Britain. In this interview, he mulls the cause of the insurgency and possible solutions to end the bloodletting.
PREMIUM TIMES: Tell us a bit about yourself
Weeks: I an a 72 years old Englishman from Yorkshire. I graduated from the University of London, School of Pharmacy in 1967. I studied Theology and Missions at All Nations Christian College 1967-69.
In 1970, I came to Vom Christian Hospital in the then Benue-Plateau State to be a pharmacist there. My wife was pregnant with the first of our four children, the eldest three were born at Vom.
In 1971 we studied Hausa in Kano. On my return to the hospital, I was hospital chaplain as well as pharmacist. In 1974-5 we lived in Borno, south of Gwoza where I was principal of the Bible School training local evangelists and supervising Nigerians from the Plateau working as missionaries in Borno, especially in the Gwoza hills where the people had before colonisation, a safe haven from Kanuri jihad.
Then we lived in Plateau at Langang, Daffo and Jos. My main work was translating Christian books into Hausa and training church leaders to use these in Theoliogcal Education by Extension. I travelled all over Plateau State.
By the time we left in 1982, our Church of Christ in Nations had the largest such programme in the world with over 2000 students. I was ordained in this church in 1977. From 1980 I was in charge of the church’s Hausa School teaching the language to expatriates new to the country. I worked with a Hausa colleague who was a convert from Islam.
In all my time in Nigeria it was a country at peace with no threat to personal safety. There was little civil disturbance due to Islam and we were on leave in England during the Maitatsine troubles. Before we left Nigeria in 1982 I was also working with a Yoruba Christian in Kano importing, wholesaling and retailing Christian books.
PREMIUM TIMES: Then after that?
Weeks: Returning to England we lived in London. I returned to my profession of pharmacy and served as an elder of our church, International Presbyterian Church, Ealing. From 1986 I became involved in local politics because the local government was promoting the social acceptability of homosexuality – aka gay rights.
This led to me joining the Conservative Party and IN 1990 -98 I was an elected a councillor of the London Borough of Ealing. This was done as unpaid spare time work. My speciality was social services. After I lost my seat on the council in 1998, I resigned from the Conservative Part as they no longer opposed homosexuality as they had done under Lady Thatcher.
I have preached regularly at the Heathrow Immigration Removal Centre for the last eight years, where my ‘captive congregation of detainees’ are mainly African, the majority being from the south of Nigeria. I have retired from community pharmacy for six years. I have been married 49 years and have six grandchildren.
PREMIUM TIMES: How will you assess the insurgency that has ravaged Nigeria in the past few years?
Weeks: Let’s go back a bit. In 1900, the colonisation of Northern Nigeria by the British brought Pax Brittanica. Jihad and slave raiding stopped. The British ruled the north with a handful of expatriate colonial officers by indirect rule through the Emirs.
This consolidated Muslim rule in some areas that were not Muslim like the south of Bauchi State. It enabled the peaceful spread of Islam. Christian missions were prohibited from the North except in areas like the Plateau which had resisted the Fulani jihad.
The south had had Christian missions and education during the 19th century under British rule but the north was left with Islam and resisted Western education even when imposed in small measure by the British.
Rulers did not send their sons to school but the slave sons were sent. This disparity in education and the British favouring southerners in the civil administration of the North was a factor in the situation that led to civil was with Biafra in 1966.
Now let me answer your question. The present insurgency started with Boko Haram in Borno. They appeared to be violent Sallafists determined to be rid of all Western and Christian influence and they do not mind killing Muslims who do not hold to their exclusive interpretation of Islam. Most Nigerians in the North have lived lived together peacefully for over a century.
The rise of post 9/11 Islamism has changed everything. The second wave of insurgency has come from the Fulani. At first this was reported as herdsmen versus farmers. But why? Herdsmen had peacefully migrated for a century and more. Why the violence? In the British Parliament, it was blamed on climate change. Nonsense. It was become apparent that this is a return to the old Fulani jihad.
Islam is a religion of peace. That is a phrase coined by (George) Bush and (Tony) Blair to prevent anti-Muslim civil disturbances in their countries where the Muslim minority is on the whole peaceful. But Islam is at ‘war’ with the non-Islamic world.
That rule can if needed (will) be established by force. That is the explanation for terrorism worldwide and the Fulani jihad resuming in the Middle Belt. Politicians will not call it so for that is said to be inflammatory language. But it is a truth which hurts. Nigeria has to face the consequences.
PREMIUM TIMES: What do you think could have been done differently to curb insurgency and contain the surging humanitarian crisis?
Weeks: Nigeria has always been reluctant to seek outside help. The number one nation in Africa is proud. It does not ask for help when things go wrong. There could have been requests for assistance from other countries, governments and NGOs.
I have no solutions to offer ordinary Nigerians except that they vote for politicians who promise to do something realistic to stop the killings like withdrawing the army from the Middle Belt and replacing with an expanded armed police force under local state control. Also let communities have drones to guard their security and spot infiltrators at night.
I am fearful of more violence next year with the elections coming.
PREMIUM TIMES: Why are you passionate about the plight of the Chibok, Dapchi school girls?
Weeks: I am a Christian. I stand with my Nigerian brothers and sisters persecuted by Islamists. Chibok is like a Christian island in Borno. That is why their girls were taken. One Dapchi girl who will not convert to Islam is the only one still in captivity. Boko Harma wants all traces of Christianity removed. I stand with the suffering Christians.
PREMIUM TIMES: What are some of the measures you have taken to attract global attention to their plight?
Weeks: I am very active in social media and have demonstrated twice outside the Nigerian High Commission in London. I was the only Englishman among Nigerians demonstrating outside your High Commission in London last month, demonstrating with Nigerians about the killings in the Middle Belt. I support Christian groups in UK campaigning on behalf of suffering Christians in Nigeria and worldwide.
PREMIUM TIMES: What other strategies do you think other like minded persons like you can embark on the assist these traumatised girls and their families?
Weeks: Show support for Nigerian Christians and their plight in the media here who report little about Nigeria and are scared to criticise anything to do with Islam. Inform our political leaders here. Pray without ceasing.https://www.premiumtimesng.com/features-and-interviews/283363-interview-why-insurgency-persists-in-nigerias-north-east-british-activist.html
Saturday, September 15, 2018
The changing world (158) May 1990
May 1st Blistered feet from delivering election leaflets round the ward.
2nd Delivering leaflets and canvassing all day until Twyford annual parents meeting where I questioned why they did not teach chastity and fidelity in sex education. The governors' chairman said they had children from single parent families etc. I replied it was because they had teachers who could not teach it without hypocrisy.
3rd Election day. On duty at polling stations at Oldfield school. Knocking up non-voters on Medway. Then to the count at the town hall with my parents. When my father died four years later his ticket to the count was in his wallet. He was a life long Labour voter and his son about to be a Tory councillor.
4th 2310 voted for me. A 700 majority removing Labour from our ward and against the national trend we took the council for the Conservatives 40 seats to 30. To bed at 4am. Group meeting in the town hall at 7pm. Appointed vice-chairman of Social Services.
6th Larry led for Raju on Jesus Only. Paul Clowney on reasonableness of Christianity.
7th Bank Holiday Monday. Moved items from garage to shed. Great walk with Katy and Deb at lakes by Heathrow and the Thames.
8th My full time assistant has done a bunk.
On my own until 5pm.
9th No assistant all day.
10th Evening Loveday Road meeting five mothers of dyslexic children.
11th Very busy at work on my own.
12th With boys and Chis Baddock to the Oval and saw Yorkshire beat Surrey so very happy.
13th Enjoyed being robed for the first time at Ealing Abbey RC civic service. Aunty Myra to lunch. Katy's aunt now resident in British Columbia.David and Rachel to New Kids on the Block concert.
14th No staff at work. Alperton High governors.
15th Conservative council group. Appointed to education, SACRE and Aids Response.
16th One assistant, Sherry. But some hours still not covered. Bomb in Wembley.
17th Late for introductory seminar after work in Perceval House, aka the Kremlin.
18th Did Yorkshire Dialect at Twyford PTA. Good food with Larsons.
19th Stocktake done by noon. Celebration meal with champagne at The Lantern with Larsons.
20th Elliott led for Larry. Katy went in the evening.
21st On my own all day. Group meting in council chamber. Warned of likely demonstration tomorrow.
22nd First council meeting. Did not speak. Te liberal Rev Neil Richardson insulting for Labour.
23rd Moved desk in roaches to the new front room and watched ODI with New Zealand.
24th Robed for annual council meeting. Good food and claret on a solely Conservative table.
25th Depressed at work with temporary assistant Seralyn.
26th Caroline a decent assistant all day.
27th David Barnes on Great Commission. Cocktails with Mindels, W5 luxury. Whip Bob Hetherington say she Sikhs will oppose the RE syllabus.
28th Completed David's wardrobe and curtain rail. Took girls to Gurnell fair.
29th Supposed to have Asha as assistant but she was on the tills most of the day.
30th Long day. Asha part of it but no-one in evening. Depressed at Jonathan's unemployment.
31st Boss David failed to get a locus so another long day and Asha not much use.
2nd Delivering leaflets and canvassing all day until Twyford annual parents meeting where I questioned why they did not teach chastity and fidelity in sex education. The governors' chairman said they had children from single parent families etc. I replied it was because they had teachers who could not teach it without hypocrisy.
3rd Election day. On duty at polling stations at Oldfield school. Knocking up non-voters on Medway. Then to the count at the town hall with my parents. When my father died four years later his ticket to the count was in his wallet. He was a life long Labour voter and his son about to be a Tory councillor.
4th 2310 voted for me. A 700 majority removing Labour from our ward and against the national trend we took the council for the Conservatives 40 seats to 30. To bed at 4am. Group meeting in the town hall at 7pm. Appointed vice-chairman of Social Services.
6th Larry led for Raju on Jesus Only. Paul Clowney on reasonableness of Christianity.
7th Bank Holiday Monday. Moved items from garage to shed. Great walk with Katy and Deb at lakes by Heathrow and the Thames.
8th My full time assistant has done a bunk.
On my own until 5pm.
9th No assistant all day.
10th Evening Loveday Road meeting five mothers of dyslexic children.
11th Very busy at work on my own.
12th With boys and Chis Baddock to the Oval and saw Yorkshire beat Surrey so very happy.
13th Enjoyed being robed for the first time at Ealing Abbey RC civic service. Aunty Myra to lunch. Katy's aunt now resident in British Columbia.David and Rachel to New Kids on the Block concert.
14th No staff at work. Alperton High governors.
15th Conservative council group. Appointed to education, SACRE and Aids Response.
16th One assistant, Sherry. But some hours still not covered. Bomb in Wembley.
17th Late for introductory seminar after work in Perceval House, aka the Kremlin.
18th Did Yorkshire Dialect at Twyford PTA. Good food with Larsons.
19th Stocktake done by noon. Celebration meal with champagne at The Lantern with Larsons.
20th Elliott led for Larry. Katy went in the evening.
21st On my own all day. Group meting in council chamber. Warned of likely demonstration tomorrow.
22nd First council meeting. Did not speak. Te liberal Rev Neil Richardson insulting for Labour.
23rd Moved desk in roaches to the new front room and watched ODI with New Zealand.
24th Robed for annual council meeting. Good food and claret on a solely Conservative table.
25th Depressed at work with temporary assistant Seralyn.
26th Caroline a decent assistant all day.
27th David Barnes on Great Commission. Cocktails with Mindels, W5 luxury. Whip Bob Hetherington say she Sikhs will oppose the RE syllabus.
28th Completed David's wardrobe and curtain rail. Took girls to Gurnell fair.
29th Supposed to have Asha as assistant but she was on the tills most of the day.
30th Long day. Asha part of it but no-one in evening. Depressed at Jonathan's unemployment.
31st Boss David failed to get a locus so another long day and Asha not much use.
Wednesday, September 12, 2018
The changing world (157) Apr 1990
Apr 1st Preached on Mark 9 in the morning and John Tuttlebee some about his work in Ireland in the evening.
2nd New assistant, Helen, started via agency. Too wet to canvas on the ward after work but went to the Free Church Federal Council and stirred things up . John Parry angry and liberal as ever.
3rd Helen doing OK. Twyford musical evening with Rachel in the orchestra.
4th School half term including Katy's beacon House.
5th Leafleting then canvassing with our MP, Elliot and Joyce Godfrey, an old member who remembers seeing the land mine fall on Medway estate. She was an air raid warden.
6th Canvassing after work.
8th Peat family to lunch after I preached on the rich young ruler.
9th Jonathan started work on the buses at Acton Town. Canvassing on Medway estate with Joyce.
10th After work canvassed with Elliot. No-one rude today. It is easier than evangelistic cold calling.
11th Jonathan unfairly sacked from the buses. The builder is dividing our bedroom into two. Canvassing. Did six cards.
12th Encouraging canvassing five cards on Medway with Elliott.
13th Good Friday service reading the day's events with David Barnes leading. To St John's Passion with Katy.
14th David's last day at the pharmacy. On my own 5 to 8pm.
15th Easter Sunday. David Barnes led for Paul Clowney then Larry in the evening on resurrection.
16th Removed top soil. Staked out shed base. Broke up hard core rubble.
17th Canvassing with Elliott on Medway after work.
18th Only Larry at prayer breakfast.
19th Medway canvassing after work.
21th Hired cement mixer and started on shed base.
22nd Larry led for Randy Lawler. Pot luck lunch. Larry in evening.
23rd Colin Hart of the Christian Institute staying with us to present Denise Bell's RE complaint to Ealing Council.
24th Medway canvassing. Local Pharmaceutical Society branch meeting on adverse drug reactions.
26th New front room being plastered. Garden shed delivered.
27th Canvassed two cards in Costons.
28th Put up bathroom cupboards.
29th Larry led for Dick Keyes. Pot luck lunch.
30th Bank holiday. Last drop of election leaflets and Costons lane canvassing. Mum and Dad here.
2nd New assistant, Helen, started via agency. Too wet to canvas on the ward after work but went to the Free Church Federal Council and stirred things up . John Parry angry and liberal as ever.
3rd Helen doing OK. Twyford musical evening with Rachel in the orchestra.
4th School half term including Katy's beacon House.
5th Leafleting then canvassing with our MP, Elliot and Joyce Godfrey, an old member who remembers seeing the land mine fall on Medway estate. She was an air raid warden.
6th Canvassing after work.
8th Peat family to lunch after I preached on the rich young ruler.
9th Jonathan started work on the buses at Acton Town. Canvassing on Medway estate with Joyce.
10th After work canvassed with Elliot. No-one rude today. It is easier than evangelistic cold calling.
11th Jonathan unfairly sacked from the buses. The builder is dividing our bedroom into two. Canvassing. Did six cards.
12th Encouraging canvassing five cards on Medway with Elliott.
13th Good Friday service reading the day's events with David Barnes leading. To St John's Passion with Katy.
14th David's last day at the pharmacy. On my own 5 to 8pm.
15th Easter Sunday. David Barnes led for Paul Clowney then Larry in the evening on resurrection.
16th Removed top soil. Staked out shed base. Broke up hard core rubble.
17th Canvassing with Elliott on Medway after work.
18th Only Larry at prayer breakfast.
19th Medway canvassing after work.
21th Hired cement mixer and started on shed base.
22nd Larry led for Randy Lawler. Pot luck lunch. Larry in evening.
23rd Colin Hart of the Christian Institute staying with us to present Denise Bell's RE complaint to Ealing Council.
24th Medway canvassing. Local Pharmaceutical Society branch meeting on adverse drug reactions.
26th New front room being plastered. Garden shed delivered.
27th Canvassed two cards in Costons.
28th Put up bathroom cupboards.
29th Larry led for Dick Keyes. Pot luck lunch.
30th Bank holiday. Last drop of election leaflets and Costons lane canvassing. Mum and Dad here.
Saturday, September 08, 2018
Diary w/e 15 Sep 2018
Sun 9 Sep
A good sermon from Laurens Du Plessis from South Africa who is under care of IPC white studying at oak Hill. He and two IPC members to lunch. I preached my fourth and final Genesis 3 sermon at the Immigration Removal Centre. Three things people fear, snakes, the devil and death - and why we need not fear. Christ is the head crusher and the resurrection and the life. Numbers are down as the centre's detainees total less than half the former numbers. New men from Ghana and Kenya. For the first time in eight years, no new Nigerian Christians.
Mon 10 Sep
Water meter installed. Sorry to hear of the passing of John Corcoran. Praying for his widow, Clare.
Tu 11 Sep
Arranged the front garden which meant placing concrete slabs as bases for five large plants in pots.
Wed 12 Sep
Back to house group which was a great study on 1 Sam 25, David and Abigail.
Thu 13 Sep
8am coach over 500 miles to Aberdeen by 9:35 pm via Manchester, Glasgow, Perth and Dundee.A pleasant journey until darkness hiss the view from Perth onwards. Met a Romanian Pentecostal family with no English gong to Aberdeen. A little communication in French. 5.30 leave TB services Westmoreland 16.15 Carlyle. My host picked me up ten minutes after the coach arrived. It was five minutes late on a 13+ hour journey. John Corcoran.funeral in Switzerland. Very quick so none from IPC present.
Fri 14 Sep
Slept well. My hosted is the church administrator. She took me to The Mission where Presbytery meets. The catering by Trinity IPC is excellent. Business was concluded before dinner than to Queen Street church, newly bought from the Church of Scotland. They do not wee that liberal theology is killing their congregations. They do not care. They left in the building all manner of historic items . O could covet the minister and elder chairs and the table for IPC Ealing. High point of the day singing Old 10th0 accompanied by a great pipe organ. Dr Macleod, GP church member took me to my host, picked me up for presbytery in he morning too and after lunch took me near yo my hotel.
Sat 15 Sep
James Torrens of Inverness IPC gave two excellent lecture on children in the church, theology and practice. Dr Macleod took me to the Station Hotel. Very central and close to the coach station too for Tuesday departure.
A good sermon from Laurens Du Plessis from South Africa who is under care of IPC white studying at oak Hill. He and two IPC members to lunch. I preached my fourth and final Genesis 3 sermon at the Immigration Removal Centre. Three things people fear, snakes, the devil and death - and why we need not fear. Christ is the head crusher and the resurrection and the life. Numbers are down as the centre's detainees total less than half the former numbers. New men from Ghana and Kenya. For the first time in eight years, no new Nigerian Christians.
Mon 10 Sep
Water meter installed. Sorry to hear of the passing of John Corcoran. Praying for his widow, Clare.
Tu 11 Sep
Arranged the front garden which meant placing concrete slabs as bases for five large plants in pots.
Wed 12 Sep
Back to house group which was a great study on 1 Sam 25, David and Abigail.
Thu 13 Sep
8am coach over 500 miles to Aberdeen by 9:35 pm via Manchester, Glasgow, Perth and Dundee.A pleasant journey until darkness hiss the view from Perth onwards. Met a Romanian Pentecostal family with no English gong to Aberdeen. A little communication in French. 5.30 leave TB services Westmoreland 16.15 Carlyle. My host picked me up ten minutes after the coach arrived. It was five minutes late on a 13+ hour journey. John Corcoran.funeral in Switzerland. Very quick so none from IPC present.
Fri 14 Sep
Slept well. My hosted is the church administrator. She took me to The Mission where Presbytery meets. The catering by Trinity IPC is excellent. Business was concluded before dinner than to Queen Street church, newly bought from the Church of Scotland. They do not wee that liberal theology is killing their congregations. They do not care. They left in the building all manner of historic items . O could covet the minister and elder chairs and the table for IPC Ealing. High point of the day singing Old 10th0 accompanied by a great pipe organ. Dr Macleod, GP church member took me to my host, picked me up for presbytery in he morning too and after lunch took me near yo my hotel.
Sat 15 Sep
James Torrens of Inverness IPC gave two excellent lecture on children in the church, theology and practice. Dr Macleod took me to the Station Hotel. Very central and close to the coach station too for Tuesday departure.
Thursday, September 06, 2018
How to Pray - “Thy Kingdom Come”
R. J. Rushdoony
Good morning, friends. A fatherless home is a broken home, one lacking its true support and authority. Likewise, a people whose lives are lived apart from God the Father are without true authority and security. A godless nation is a nation in which authority and law are broken or corrupt, because the only source of authority is denied or neglected. The nations of today are broken homes, breeding delinquency in the body politic because of their prodigal wandering from the authority of God the Father, who is alone the true sovereign of all nations. Having rejected His authority, they are subject to His judgment.
It is for this reason that the Lord’s Prayer summons us to pray, “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” Here is a petition that God overrule us, both in our personal and our national lives. To pray in these words sincerely is to confess that our will often fails to move in conformity to the Lord’s will. Our Lord, in giving us this prayer, gave thereby a confession of sin for us to echo, and yet one of such significant direction. The focus is not on our sin, nor on our wayward will, but instead on God’s Kingdom and His will. Prayer must be made for confession of sins, and thanksgiving for forgiveness is essential, but prayer cannot revolve around our life, our will, our hopes, or our planning. That God has room in His purpose for our hopes and needs is clear enough in the next petition, wherein we are asked to pray for our daily food, but to limit prayer to our lives and our will is to abuse prayer, if it is constantly done. At times, indeed, pressing personal problems overwhelm us, and our prayer cries out in purely personal tones. This is right, and pleasing to God. But the proper perspective for the whole of our prayer life must be in terms, not of our will, but that His will be done, not in terms of our petty domain, but that His Kingdom come.
However, as Dr. James Reid has pointed out (Hear My Prayer, p. 330), “the Kingdom begins within ourselves. Our heart is a world in itself. God’s rule must begin there.” In his Confessions, St. Augustine candidly comments that during one period of his spiritual pilgrimage his prayer seemed to have been, “Lord, make me pure, but not yet.” This kind of praying is all too common in every generation. What we want of others, we are unwilling to ask of ourselves. The character we demand of the nation, we too often refuse to manifest in our personal lives. Humility is a great virtue, and we are anxious to see it in others, but less anxious about our own lack of it. Other people should be patient and loving and thereby put less strain on our own disposition. So many people feel that it would be a wonderful world if other people were righteous so that we could be comfortably undisturbed in our sinning, or in our spiritual laziness.
This petition is directed against all these things when, by its simplicity and plainness, it overrules all persons in heaven and earth and supplants their will and their planning with God’s will and God’s Kingdom.
Jesus Christ established the pattern of obedience in this respect in His faithfulness to His appointed task, establishing the Kingdom and manifesting His faithfulness to God the Father. He declared, “Here I come—in the roll of the book this is written of me—I come to do thy will, O God” (Heb. 10:7, Moffatt). “Not my will, but thine, be done” (Luke 22:42). The world cannot be left out of our praying, but neither can we leave out ourselves as an object of he Lord’s chastening, reviving, and overruling providence. This petition has in mind the great reality that the kingdoms of this world are and shall be the Kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ.
It finds total fulfillment only at the end of history when the recreation of all things is consummated, but it finds daily fulfillment in your life and mine as the Lord comes into our hearts in power and in truth, received by us in faith and daily glorified by our trust and obedience. It finds fulfillment as the nations are brought into the light of the gospel and the joy of the Lord. To limit God’s answer to the end of history is to refuse an answer and to resist the reality of His present sovereignty. Therefore, let us pray in faith, saying,
Our Father, who art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven.
Diary w/e 8 Sep 2018
Sun 2 Sep
My usual Sabbath rest from the Internet. Great enjoyment reading 2,000 Years of Christ's Power Vol. 4: The Age of Religious Conflict by Nick Needham. Adult Sunday school, Chris Roberts on the atonement . Paul Levy was excellent on conversion preaching from the Ethiopian eunuch. it was both evangelistic and edifying for believers I was very pleased the congregation with swelled by a family of five, single father and four children under 12 who I had invited along. I hope they will be back next week too. Roast beef lunch was enjoyed in the company American missionary guests working with our church. We had a visiting Nigerian preacher from our church in Shepherd's Bush in the evening.
Mon 3 Sep
Ancestry has helped me find a family tree link to Mormons in California! Encouraging elders meeting. 9 out of eleven there plus two from sister churches and one Oak Hill student under the care of our presbytery. We reallocated the shepherding with each of our 11 elders having personal pastoral care responsibility for some of our members. We aim to visit everyone at least twice a year. We have seen a number of new attenders over the summer including some seeking the truth in Christ.
Tue 4 Sep
U3A restated after the August break with our World Religions group. Thanks to the generosity of Evangelicals Now I had a complementary copy of the current issue for each person as the subject we perception and the magazine always has news of suffering Christians. My leading on the subject concentrated on the least controversial part - the persecution in the Roman Empire. We saw how rulers scapegoat minorities when there are problems in the regime. We also saw how a persecuted minority become persecutors once they gain ascendancy.
I went to use an ATM and am confronted by a screen telling me 'Santander supports Pride'. Well I don't and will be telling my bank I do not want this ideological propaganda in my face.
Wed 5
U3A current affairs here on world trade. I had not prepared well and we strayed onto tariffs and other matters further off topic. Five came including one new recruit. I went to the Nigeria High Commission for an hour's vigil, one of 200 hours vigil for the girl, Leah, taken by Boko Haram and imprisoned for 200 days because she would not convert. I was asked by Scott the man from Christian Solidarity Worldwide who was organising the original to stay on an extra hour as I was doing well with three staff from the High Commission coming to talk including the Deputy High Commissioner, a Muslim from Sokoto who complemented me an my Hausa. I was relieved by a Pentecostal Nigerian who had witnessed the killings of the Ibos in Zaria in 1966 It had so traumatised her as a teenager that she had blocked it out of her memory. She took over the vigil after I did an extra hour which included being interviewed by an Ibo journalist who liked my critique of Nigerian history which blamed the colonial British for a lot of the mess today. In the evening we had our monthly church prayer meeting at Dean Hall with 26 o present including four teenagers which is encouraging.
Th 6 Sep
I took a nonagenarian to her GP to OK her proposed visit to Myanmar where she was born.
Fr 7 Sep
An eventful day at the Oval. Not because of Alistair Cook's last test or a mere 198 for 7 from England. But because my friend Trevor went as he said to spend a penny in the lunch break and never returned. He phoned to say he had passed out and was in the medical room. I was to keep watching the game and he would come and join me. Then two paramedics came to collect his bag and tell me he was being sent to be checked at hospital. He phoned after a while to say he was being discharged as fit to go home but will need more tests later. We have been friends since 1969 and had 12 years together in Nigeria.
Sat 8 Sep
Joined the team led by my fellow IPC elder Peter Lofthouse for breakfast and Bible study at Tasty Bites cafe. Then three of us on the bookstall but most of the time I was talking with Usmani on the Muslim bookstall.
I have been testing items for suppliers - mainly Chinese. You buy on Amazon, send them proof of purchase, publish a review and your costs are then reimbursed. It has been fun so far but sometimes modern electronics are a headache and other family members drafted in to help set up and operate the devices.
The interview I did with the Ibo journalist seems to be going viral on Facebook.
My usual Sabbath rest from the Internet. Great enjoyment reading 2,000 Years of Christ's Power Vol. 4: The Age of Religious Conflict by Nick Needham. Adult Sunday school, Chris Roberts on the atonement . Paul Levy was excellent on conversion preaching from the Ethiopian eunuch. it was both evangelistic and edifying for believers I was very pleased the congregation with swelled by a family of five, single father and four children under 12 who I had invited along. I hope they will be back next week too. Roast beef lunch was enjoyed in the company American missionary guests working with our church. We had a visiting Nigerian preacher from our church in Shepherd's Bush in the evening.
Mon 3 Sep
Ancestry has helped me find a family tree link to Mormons in California! Encouraging elders meeting. 9 out of eleven there plus two from sister churches and one Oak Hill student under the care of our presbytery. We reallocated the shepherding with each of our 11 elders having personal pastoral care responsibility for some of our members. We aim to visit everyone at least twice a year. We have seen a number of new attenders over the summer including some seeking the truth in Christ.
Tue 4 Sep
U3A restated after the August break with our World Religions group. Thanks to the generosity of Evangelicals Now I had a complementary copy of the current issue for each person as the subject we perception and the magazine always has news of suffering Christians. My leading on the subject concentrated on the least controversial part - the persecution in the Roman Empire. We saw how rulers scapegoat minorities when there are problems in the regime. We also saw how a persecuted minority become persecutors once they gain ascendancy.
I went to use an ATM and am confronted by a screen telling me 'Santander supports Pride'. Well I don't and will be telling my bank I do not want this ideological propaganda in my face.
Wed 5
U3A current affairs here on world trade. I had not prepared well and we strayed onto tariffs and other matters further off topic. Five came including one new recruit. I went to the Nigeria High Commission for an hour's vigil, one of 200 hours vigil for the girl, Leah, taken by Boko Haram and imprisoned for 200 days because she would not convert. I was asked by Scott the man from Christian Solidarity Worldwide who was organising the original to stay on an extra hour as I was doing well with three staff from the High Commission coming to talk including the Deputy High Commissioner, a Muslim from Sokoto who complemented me an my Hausa. I was relieved by a Pentecostal Nigerian who had witnessed the killings of the Ibos in Zaria in 1966 It had so traumatised her as a teenager that she had blocked it out of her memory. She took over the vigil after I did an extra hour which included being interviewed by an Ibo journalist who liked my critique of Nigerian history which blamed the colonial British for a lot of the mess today. In the evening we had our monthly church prayer meeting at Dean Hall with 26 o present including four teenagers which is encouraging.
Th 6 Sep
I took a nonagenarian to her GP to OK her proposed visit to Myanmar where she was born.
Fr 7 Sep
An eventful day at the Oval. Not because of Alistair Cook's last test or a mere 198 for 7 from England. But because my friend Trevor went as he said to spend a penny in the lunch break and never returned. He phoned to say he had passed out and was in the medical room. I was to keep watching the game and he would come and join me. Then two paramedics came to collect his bag and tell me he was being sent to be checked at hospital. He phoned after a while to say he was being discharged as fit to go home but will need more tests later. We have been friends since 1969 and had 12 years together in Nigeria.
Sat 8 Sep
Joined the team led by my fellow IPC elder Peter Lofthouse for breakfast and Bible study at Tasty Bites cafe. Then three of us on the bookstall but most of the time I was talking with Usmani on the Muslim bookstall.
I have been testing items for suppliers - mainly Chinese. You buy on Amazon, send them proof of purchase, publish a review and your costs are then reimbursed. It has been fun so far but sometimes modern electronics are a headache and other family members drafted in to help set up and operate the devices.
The interview I did with the Ibo journalist seems to be going viral on Facebook.
Wednesday, September 05, 2018
Pride at Santander
My email to my bank.
I do not know if this is the right email address. If not please forward it to the appropriate department.
When I go an ATM to get money I do not expect political propaganda in my face. You may support Pride. That is your choice. I do not and do not expect my bank to be part of a campaign for the social acceptability of behaviour I consider detrimental to public health and social decorum. Has Pride paid you to advertise them? If not what part of a bank's work is it to use funds to promote homosexual behaviour?
I am considering withdrawing my custom and urging like minded friends to follow suit.
Graham Weeks
Saturday, September 01, 2018
The changing world (156) Mar 1990
Mar 1st Wendy Barber to dinner. Mark Krietzer from SA visiting again.
2nd David back from Exmoor with school. Jonathan completes his first week at Gateway.
3rd Went with Trevor Wells to see Leeds at Watford. Surprised to find it all ticket but we managed to buy some outside and got in. But we were robbed at 1-0.
4th I led for Elliott on Mark 8. Jonathan looking for a car to buy.
5th Church meeting approved commissioning an architect to look at building extensions (Nothing came of it but a new building is to be opened in October 2018 DV).
6th Interviewed an English assistant. Walford High governors meeting.
7th Discussing baptism with Larry and Elliot at church. Conservative Group at the Town Hall. Not a very well organised meeting.I am a candidate for Costons ward and expect to win it but the tide nationally is against us taking back control of the council in May.
8th Purse thief caught at work and arrested. Noisy full council meeting setting the Community Charge for the year. Labour hate the poll tax as it is called. No-one likes a tax that everyone has to pay. I support it. Its downfall was that it was uneconomic to collect from the poorer residents who only had to pay 10% of what the rest of us paid.
11th My last Sunday leading for Elliot preaching.
12th To Twyford PTA on sex education. Work started on our alteration of garage to second reception room.
13th Cashier supervisor admits to theft at work. Security secretly filmed her through the wall between the pharmacy store and her cashier's office. She had been accusing checkout workers of theft. Prayer meeting.
14th Men's prayer breakfast. Lecturing on Islam in Africa at WEC Bulstrode. In a minority of one at Alperton High governors. I wanted the striking teachers rebuked.
15th Katy at Twyford parents evening. Pleased Rachel has a good report. Builder working on patio roof.
16th Costons Conservatives meeting and meal with MP harry Greenway.
17th Took Rachel to music. Delivered In Touch fliers to the ward and got a blister. Watched Scotland beat us in grand slam decider. Michelsens to dinner. Alfredo is now a Latin rite RC.
18th Raju led for me on transfiguration.Joan, former exclusive brethren to lunch. She fortuitously bought a violin bow that was very valuable.
19th New assistant, Karen, started. Jonathan passed bus driving medical.
20th Melbourne School governors. I found Mrs Malhotra the head could be difficult but living in the next road she was very hospitable with her husband's whisky. Denise Bells case against the RE syllabus was heard.
21st Forms signed for my nomination as a candidate in the council election in may. By coach to Newcastle to hear Brian Griffiths, adviser to Mrs thatcher, at the opening of the Christian Institute. Hospitality from evangelical vicar in a very rough council estate in Gateshead.
22nd Overnight coach back to Victoria by 4:30 am and a wait for the first tube at 5:30. Home 6:30 then to work. No assistant. very, very tired. Jonathan has a bus driving job offer.
23rd Late to session meeting. Discussed raj's plans to leave being consultant neurologist and return home to India as a missionary.Took Rachel to EJMS and later at their concert. Jonathan bought a Honda Accord which runs well.
25th Procters to lunch. They generously helped us buying this house. We were at All Nations together and later in different IPC congregations.
26th Local election campaign started.
27th John Tuttlebee, another AMMC contemporary with us all day on leave from his work of mission in Ireland.
28th My last day working at church with Larry.
29th Still no full time help at work. Larry witnessed a rape on the tube.
30th Rachel having trouble with her paper round.
31st A very funny farce, Noises Off, at Twyford.
Jonathan was not taken on to drive buses. The instructor gave him an order he could not obey to drive the wrong way down a one way street. It was a no win situation. Most unfair. Break the law of disobey the instructor. he disobeyed and should have been commended not rejected.
2nd David back from Exmoor with school. Jonathan completes his first week at Gateway.
3rd Went with Trevor Wells to see Leeds at Watford. Surprised to find it all ticket but we managed to buy some outside and got in. But we were robbed at 1-0.
4th I led for Elliott on Mark 8. Jonathan looking for a car to buy.
5th Church meeting approved commissioning an architect to look at building extensions (Nothing came of it but a new building is to be opened in October 2018 DV).
6th Interviewed an English assistant. Walford High governors meeting.
7th Discussing baptism with Larry and Elliot at church. Conservative Group at the Town Hall. Not a very well organised meeting.I am a candidate for Costons ward and expect to win it but the tide nationally is against us taking back control of the council in May.
8th Purse thief caught at work and arrested. Noisy full council meeting setting the Community Charge for the year. Labour hate the poll tax as it is called. No-one likes a tax that everyone has to pay. I support it. Its downfall was that it was uneconomic to collect from the poorer residents who only had to pay 10% of what the rest of us paid.
11th My last Sunday leading for Elliot preaching.
12th To Twyford PTA on sex education. Work started on our alteration of garage to second reception room.
13th Cashier supervisor admits to theft at work. Security secretly filmed her through the wall between the pharmacy store and her cashier's office. She had been accusing checkout workers of theft. Prayer meeting.
14th Men's prayer breakfast. Lecturing on Islam in Africa at WEC Bulstrode. In a minority of one at Alperton High governors. I wanted the striking teachers rebuked.
15th Katy at Twyford parents evening. Pleased Rachel has a good report. Builder working on patio roof.
16th Costons Conservatives meeting and meal with MP harry Greenway.
17th Took Rachel to music. Delivered In Touch fliers to the ward and got a blister. Watched Scotland beat us in grand slam decider. Michelsens to dinner. Alfredo is now a Latin rite RC.
18th Raju led for me on transfiguration.Joan, former exclusive brethren to lunch. She fortuitously bought a violin bow that was very valuable.
19th New assistant, Karen, started. Jonathan passed bus driving medical.
20th Melbourne School governors. I found Mrs Malhotra the head could be difficult but living in the next road she was very hospitable with her husband's whisky. Denise Bells case against the RE syllabus was heard.
21st Forms signed for my nomination as a candidate in the council election in may. By coach to Newcastle to hear Brian Griffiths, adviser to Mrs thatcher, at the opening of the Christian Institute. Hospitality from evangelical vicar in a very rough council estate in Gateshead.
22nd Overnight coach back to Victoria by 4:30 am and a wait for the first tube at 5:30. Home 6:30 then to work. No assistant. very, very tired. Jonathan has a bus driving job offer.
23rd Late to session meeting. Discussed raj's plans to leave being consultant neurologist and return home to India as a missionary.Took Rachel to EJMS and later at their concert. Jonathan bought a Honda Accord which runs well.
25th Procters to lunch. They generously helped us buying this house. We were at All Nations together and later in different IPC congregations.
26th Local election campaign started.
27th John Tuttlebee, another AMMC contemporary with us all day on leave from his work of mission in Ireland.
28th My last day working at church with Larry.
29th Still no full time help at work. Larry witnessed a rape on the tube.
30th Rachel having trouble with her paper round.
31st A very funny farce, Noises Off, at Twyford.
Jonathan was not taken on to drive buses. The instructor gave him an order he could not obey to drive the wrong way down a one way street. It was a no win situation. Most unfair. Break the law of disobey the instructor. he disobeyed and should have been commended not rejected.
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