Sunday, May 26, 2019

Rutherford Revised (140)

140. To my Lady Mar, Younger.         From Aberdeen 13 Mar 1637

(Christina Hay before she married the eighth Earl of Mar)

My very noble and dear Lady, - Grace, mercy and peace be to you. I received your Ladyship's letter which has comforted my soul. May you find God's mercy in the day of Christ.
   I am in as good a relationship and favour with Christ as an exiled and persecuted prisoner can be. I am still welcomed in His house; He recognises my knock and lets a poor friend in. Beneath this black, rough tree of the cross of Christ, He has ravished me with His love, and taken my heart to heaven with Him. May He enjoy it well and long. I would not exchange Christ for all the joys that an or angel can invent beside Him. Who has such a reason to speak well of Christ as I have? Christ is King of all crosses, and He has made His saints little kings under Him; and He can ride and triumph over weaker bodies than mine (if anyone can be weaker), and his horse will neither fall nor stumble.
   Madam, your Ladyship has much to do with Christ, for your soul, husband , children and household. Let Him find much to do when He meets with you; for He is such a friend as is pleased to take on cases and works; and the more you give Him to do, and the more familiar you are with Him, the more welcome. O the depth of Christ's love! It has neither top nor bottom. Oh, if this blind world saw His beauty! When with Him I count up all His mercies to me, I must stand still and wonder, and go away like a poor debtor who can pay nothing. Free forgiveness is payment. I want to have Him set on high; for His love has made me sick, and I am dying unless i get real possession. 
   Grace, grace, be with you.

      Your Ladyship's, with all obedience in Christ,  S.R.

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