Monday, July 21, 2008

Grass Valley, California 21 July, 6:25 a.m.

No-one was up quickly the day after the wedding. We all missed adult Sunday School at Grass Valley Covenant Reformed Church but we did make the 11 AM service. Most of us were rather sleepy though and the cinema style seats did not help one keep alert. It is a friendly congregation and lots of folks remembered our last visit there back in November.

After lunch at the Roes and a siesta too we all were driven to Placerville and the new home of the Borens. Abigail is a Roe daughter. Click on the title for the photos. I did not get any photos of Steve's scrupmtious bison burgers from the barbeque though. Dennis's sister was our driver for the hour long drive in the most enormous Chelsea tractor I have experienced, It seats eight. The day before Dennis had driven me to and from the wedding in his Mazda sports car. I have now requested a drive with the top down.

We are now in "winding down after the wedding" mode and have lots of wedding left overs to consume.

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