Friday, May 04, 2007

A snowman without snow

We stand now in the Hall of Statues, the last room of the cave.In the end Jama Baredine presents us again a wonderful panorama. The most striking calcite formation is the Snowman, the biggest stalagmite in the cave with more than 2,5 meter of height. Some of the formations are still permanently active, that means they are still sprinkled by running water and are still growing. Such startling formations are especially attractive to watch.The snowman grows a centimetre a year, much much faster than stalagmites.
After rainfall and in spring there is a little lake formed in the hall, which increases the magic of this room.

The ascent out, over 60 metres to climb, left me puffing and in need of a local beer at £1.50 for 0.5L. I also brought some honey grappa to bring home but I am not enthusiastic as it has a strange taste not noticed when sampling.

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