Wednesday, May 20, 2009

European Elections Thursday 4th June - A Time of Jubilee?

Working with Christians in politics across Europe, The Christian Party

– Christian Peoples Alliance (CP_CPA) have come together united by

their Christian faith to contest the EU elections. They offer a vision for

Europe based on the social teachings of the Churches and are

determined to restore truth and integrity to politics. Many people are

fed up with the big party system. Could this be the moment to see a

return to Christian values in Britain?

In this election, you can't vote for individual candidates as you do

for Westminster. You have to choose a political party 'list', with MEPs

elected according to how many votes the list wins. In several regions

of England, such as the North West and London, it's possible for the

CP-CPA to win a seat with just 8 per cent of the vote - giving a voice

for values in the European Parliament.

Read more about the campaign by visiting either

or The Christian Peoples Alliance was born out of

the Movement for Christian Democracy, founded by pro-lifer, David Alton.

Get more details about them by emailing

Their manifesto A Time of Jubilee is summarised by these bullet points:

A Christian Europe

Recognition that Christianity brought Europe the

freedom, culture and values that we must return to.

Greening the Global Economy

Jobs, the developing world and the climate are

paramount. We’ll end debt-based growth and

move away from a carbon-based economy.

Trade Justice and Equality

Open EU markets to help end global poverty.

And we’ll tackle growing social division.

Respect for the Human Person

Full protection of the law for all human life from

conception until natural death.

End Secrecy and Corruption in the EU

Bring transparency and openness. Reform the

accounting system and tackle financial abuses.

Referendum Now! (Lisbon Treaty)

No to a European State. More democracy, less

bureaucracy and an end to creeping federalism.

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