- How Islamic Are ‘Islamic’ Blasphemy Laws?Sultan ShahinPublished on January 25, 2017January 4 has become an iconic day for moderate Muslims in the Indian subcontinent,reminding us every year that the battle for the soul of Islam has not even begun properly.Moderate, progressive, liberal Muslims are being killed in the name of blasphemy, but theyare not able to defend themselves even with a coherent ideological counternarrative.On this day in 2011, Salmaan Taseer, the governor of Pakistani Punjab, had been murdered byhis own body guard for having shown compassion for a Christian lady Asia Bibi, falselyaccused of blasphemy. This despicable murderer Mumtaz Quadri has now been executed onorders of Pakistan judiciary, but has acquired the status of a saint and martyr in the eyes ofmillions in South Asia, particularly ulema of most schools of thought.Asia Bibi is known to have been falsely implicated, as most victims of Pakistan’s BlackBlasphemy laws are. Pakistan Press has reported that all cases of blasphemy against Islam areactually to settle personal scores or to acquire a non-Muslim’s property. But Pakistan andSouth Asian Muslims are not alone in misusing the concept of blasphemy. A celebrated casegoing on in Indonesia now is against Governor Ahok, a Christian who is supposed to havequoted, just quoted, some verses from Quran and thus angered many Muslims enough to slapa case of blasphemy against him. How can a Christian quote scripture, the only truescripture? (Do Christians represent the Devil for these Indonesian Muslims?)Apart from the criminality, and totally anti-Islamic nature of such devious thinking, thestupidity of it all takes the breath away. And this in Indonesia which we progressive Muslimsused to cite as an example of moderation in Islam. Should we be at all discussing such inanityin the 21st century? But this is a very popular blasphemy charge and millions of peoplecannot be imprisoned; we can only argue with them hoping to instil some sense in theirminds.The Holy Quran does not prescribe absolutely any punishment for blasphemy, thoughnumerous verses describe in detail how Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) was reviledand abused by early Meccans in prose and poetry. As Quran exegete and a columnist forNewAgeIslam.com, Muhammad Yunus points out: “The Meccan enemies of the Prophetcalled him impostor, a madman (Quran 30:58, 44:14, 68:51), and an insane poet (37:36) andridiculed the Qur’anic revelation (18:56, 26:6, 37:14, 45:9), which they declared to be strangeand unbelievable (38:5, 50:2), a jumble of dreams (21:5)9 and legends of the ancients (6:25,23:83, 25:5, 27:68, 46:17, 68:15, 83:13). They accused him of forging lies and witchcraft(34:43, 38:4), forging lies against God, forgery and making up tales (11:13, 32:3, 38:7, 46:8),witchcraft (21:3, 43:30, 74:24), obvious witchcraft that was bewildering (10:2, 37:15, 46:7),and of being bewitched or possessed by a Jinn (17:47, 23:70, 34:8).”He comments: “By definition, all these accusations were blasphemous. Nowhere in its textdoes the Qur’an prescribe any punishment for those who uttered these blasphemies.”
- Yet ulema quote a consensus of scholarly opinion (ijma) in favour of blasphemy being anunpardonable offence. Indeed, if somebody simply questions this ijma, he meets the samefate, death. Ijma is an instrument of creative rethinking of Islamic provisions (ijtihad) in theabsence of any clear guidance in Quran. The idea is to take the religion forward, in theabsence of a messenger of God, not to regress to Dark Ages, as ulema are using this provisionto do. Indeed, they have made ijma such a strong instrument that the Qur’anic dictatesthemselves have to be considered abrogated if they contradict the consensus opinion ofMuslim jurists. “It is better that the verse (from Quran) is interpreted in such a way that itconforms to their opinion.” [Doctrine of Ijma in Islam, by Ahmad Hussain, New Delhi, 1992,p.16]Regardless of any justification for Blasphemy laws in Muslim countries, common sensesuggests that they can only be applied to Muslims. Otherwise, the term blasphemy can bestretched to mean anyone who doesn’t believe Islam to be a true religion. But anti-Blasphemylaws are applied to non-Muslims in every Muslim country that has such laws. So ultimatelythe question is related to whether Muslims believe in freedom of religion. Clearly manydon’t, except when they live in non-Muslim-majority countries.Although Quran, Islam’s foundational text, contains hundreds of verses asserting thelegitimacy of other religions, a consensus in Islamic theology and jurisprudence hassomehow emerged that other religions cannot be allowed to exist. Theologians cannotdirectly contradict the Quran by saying so, but this is the obvious implication of theirdoctrines of Jihad. Mainstream Islamic Theology and jurisprudence is completely based on adichotomy between Muslim and Kafir. Kafirs have to be eventually eliminated from theworld, either by persuasion or use of force. The only other option is they accept Muslimdomination and accept the status of dhimmis (jizya-paying second class citizens).Most Ulema do not even accept the religious freedom of those whom Quran gives the statusof ahl-e-kitab, by virtue of their belief in previous prophets of God. Some of these have beenmentioned in the Quran and many are not as they are too numerous (124,000, according toone Prophetic tradition). They were sent to all nations with revelations. Quran asks Muslimsto have the best of and the most intimate including marital relations with all ahl-e-kitab. Imanor Faith is defined in Islam as, among other things, having faith in all previous prophets ofGod and considering them of the same status as Prophet Mohammad.’ (Quran 4:164; 2.21;35:24; 10:47; 21:7).To illustrate the point about Islamic theologians circumventing clear, unequivocal Quranicdictates about freedom of religions, I quote the following passage from the writings ofMaulana Abdul Aleem Islahi, an influential cleric of Hyderabad. No Indian Alim (scholar, pl.ulema) has disputed this widely-circulated narration so far.Discussing the oft-quoted Quranic verse 2: 256 “La Ikraha fid Deen” (meaning, let there beno compulsion in religion), the Maulana writes in his booklet, ‘Use of Force in Quran’: Thisis an established fact (that Quran gives religious freedom to all). But it is related only withaccepting or not accepting the belief. This does not mean that ahl-e-Kufr, (infidels) should beleft totally free on earth with their un-belief and should not be made accountable. If this weretrue, what do we mean when we say that the religion (Deen) of God has been revealed todominate the world?
- "It is He Who has sent His Messenger (Prophet Mohammad pbuh) with guidance and thereligion of truth (Islam) to make it superior over all religions even though the Mushrikoon(polytheists, idolaters, etc.) hate it." Surah at-Tawbah 9: 33. What will this verse mean thenand what relevance will the obligation of jihad have (if we accept the Quranic decree of nocompulsion in religion)?“--- It is the duty (of Muslims) to struggle for the domination of Islam over false religions andsubdue and subjugate ahl-e-kufr-o-shirk (infidels and polytheists) in the same way as it is theduty of the Muslims to proselytise and invite people to Islam. The responsibility to testify tothe Truth and pronounce the religion God has entrusted with the Muslims cannot be fulfilledmerely by preaching and proselytising. If it were so there would be no need for the battlesthat were fought. "And fight them until there is no fitnah (mischief) and [until] the religion,all of it, is for Allah. And if they cease - then indeed, Allah is Seeing of what they do." SurahAnfal 8:39)“Jihad has been made obligatory to make the Deen (religion) dominate and to stop the centresof evil. Keeping in view the importance of this task, the significance of Jihad in the name ofGod has been stressed in the Quran and Hadith. That’s why clear ordainments have beenrevealed to Muslims about fighting all the Kuffar (infidels). “United, fight the polytheists asthey fight against you.” (Surah Tauba:36)”There is a consensus of ulema’s opinion (ijma) around such views. Peaceful, pluralistic, earlyverses revealed in Makkah are supposed to have been abrogated by aggressive war-timeverses that came later in Madina. Guided by ulema as they are, Muslims have come to believethat ijma is more important than Quran, indeed Quranic commandments of peace andpluralism, co-existence with other religions, patience in times of adversity, not rushing to waron the slightest pretext, etc., have been abrogated for over a millennium. Ulema keep quotingthese verses to non-Muslim audiences as part of their taqaiyya (a religious instrument todeceive the enemy), but Muslims are supposed to know that these verses are abrogated andare being quoted only as a strategy of deception.Progressive Muslims keep quoting these peaceful verses as they are not well-versed intheology and jurisprudence. They still believe in Quran. Largely living in their own world,they have no idea what is going on in the community. They do not understand why pluralisticQuranic verses do not have any impact on the Muslim masses any more. No wonder theyhave not been able to come up with a cogent theological counter narrative.Sultan Shahin is the founder-editor of a Delhi-based progressive Islamic websiteNewAgeIslam.com. This article appeared first in The Sunday Guardian, New Delhi on 15January 2017.
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