Saturday, March 08, 2008


Maybe the reason God doesn't explain to Job why terrible things happen is that He knows what Job needs isn't an explanation. Suppose God did explain....then what? Understanding why his children had to die, Job would still have to face their empty chairs at breakfast every morning.
Frederick Buechner

The riddles of God are more satisfying than the solutions of man.G.K. Chesterton - Introduction to the Book of Job, 1907

Job is not like consommé, clear and bright, but like minestrone, dark and thick. it sticks to your ribs. When we read Job we are like a little child eating his spinach. "Open your mouth and close your eyes." Job, like spinach, is not sweet tasting. But it puts iron in our blood.
Peter Kreeft, Three Philosophies of Life

What an eye opener! This man, so highly revered as an expert on human thinking, doesn't himself understand who God is and what God has done, even with Job.~Maurice A. Williams (on Jung)

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