Sunday, June 02, 2019

Rutherford Revised (155)

155. To Grizzel Fullerton   From Aberdeen 14 March 1637

(Grizzel was the daughter of William Fullerton, Provost of Kirkcudbright and Marion M'Naught)

Dear sister, - I encourage you in the Lord, to seek your one thing, Mary's good part, that will not be taken from you. Set your heart and soul on the children's inheritance. This clay idol, the world, is only for bastards and you are His lawful child. Learn the way ( as your dear mother has done before you) to knock on Christ's door. Christ has given her many mercy its, and He still has many to give you. You are the offspring of the faithful and born in the covenant; claim your right. I would not exchange Christ Jesus for ten worlds of glory. I now know (blessed be my Teacher!) how to unlock and unbolt my Well-beloved's door; and he makes a poor stranger welcome when He comes to His house. I am swollen and satisfied with the love of Christ which is better than wine. It is a fire in my soul: let hell and the world pour water on it, they will not get better. I now have the right way to Christ. I recommend Him to you above all things. Come and find the smell of His breath; see if His kisses are not sweet. He only wants to be valued; be at home with Him, and you will be most welcome; you know how Christ would have all your love. Do not think we make a noise about a mere tale and child's play. If it was so I would not suffer for it. I dare risk my heaven for it, that it is the way to glory. Think a lot about truth, and shun these ways men devised for worshipping God.
   The grace of Christ be with you.
       Yours, in his sweet Lord Jesus, S.R.

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