Wednesday, July 26, 2006

When you complain to the BBC

My complaint was,

The interview with the Danish man who published the Mohammed cartoons
was totally biased against the interviewee. One might have thought your
interviewer was a Muslim. She exhibited what is known as dhimmitude, the
acceptance of subservience to Islam by minority communities. The Danish
man, by contrast was exceedinly gracious in response. Usually one
complains of a liberal bias in BBC programmes. This one had a totally
Muslim bias. What happened to freedom of speech?

The reply,

Thanks for your comments. I'm sorry you didn't like this interview.
However, as the programme editor on this particular occasion I feel I
should defend Sarah. Unfortunately, we had far less time for this
interview by the time we got to it (at the end of an hour) than we had
intended or would have liked. This was very unfortunate, but something
that does happen from time to time with a live programme (other items
had over-run considerably). As a result, Sarah was forced to try to
cover a lot of ground quickly. I also think it's fair to say that
Fleming Rose tried quite hard to avoid answering the questions he was
being asked, which didn't help us. Overall, it wasn't a great result
for anyone, but I do think it unfair to blame Sarah for her part.

Best wishes, Matthew Grant, Today Programme.

Well, I do blame her for not defending freedom of speech. I am appalled that the media here and in the USA have given into the followers of the false prophet.

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