Monday, November 13, 2006

Saddam and the death penalty

The silliest liberal argument yet in opposition to the execution was put by a woman from Amnesty on BBC Radio 4 when she said execution deprived us of justice as there were more charges to be faced. Obviously this woman had never used Occam's Razor which states that if one line of argument is sufficient to prove a case, you need no more reasoning.

The case is proved. It is justice that demand Saddam must die, contra to Ann Widdicome on Question Time last week. The only non-liberal on the panel, she advocated execution on the grounds of deterrence. IMO this is the wrong reason, an unproven pragmatic one. I believe God has given governments the power of the sword so they are His agents to administer justice. The murderer should die. If the world had been left to the liberals after WWII, some Nazis would now be a geriatric cases in German hospitals.

In a radio poll it seems that over 80% of the British public are out of tune with our ruling liberal establishment. Sense is commoner in the hoi poloi than in the elite. Let him die soon.

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