Saturday, February 09, 2008


If God had wanted us to use the metric system, Jesus would have had 10 apostles.

Can you back the Metric system every inch of the way?

The common law will remain the basis of our legal system, and our Courts will continue to operate as they do at present..- British Government White paper 1971 on the effects of the proposed entry into the European Common Market,, quoted in Margaret Thatcher, The Path to Power, Harper Collins,1995, p210

We've been invaded without a shot being fired. It's been an absolute waste of time going to war in 1914 and 1939. Millions of people died who didn't want a federal Europe and now Tony Blair's surrendering it. If you live in South Africa and you're a patriot, they give you the Nobel Prize, If you live in England and you're a patriot, they call you a bigot. Nobody represents us. ----Tom Bromley, Daily Telegraph (UK), November 8, 2000

We are with Europe, but not of it. We are linked but not comprised. We are associated but not absorbed. And should European statesmen address us and say, 'Shall we speak for thee?', we should reply, 'Nay Sir, for we dwell among our own people'. --Winston Churchill - 1953

Europe's true heritage is its identity, and if by identity we mean above all our historic memory, then Christianity belongs fully to Europe. Even those who are not believers have to admit that a European constitution that failed to make any reference to our continent's Christian identity would be a disavowal of our origins. - Gianfranco Fini, Italian Deputy Prime Minister

European integration was a noble idea, born of the desire that France and Germany should not go to war again. - Boris Johnson, Lend Me Your Ears p296

Until the last 50 years the most prominent enthusiasts for a single European state were Napoleon and Hitler --Rod D. Martin, 8 October 1998. Vanguard

How did it ever happen that, when the dregs of the world had collected inWestern Europe, when the Goths and the Franks and the Normans and the Lombards had mingled with the rot of old Rome to form a patchwork of hybrid races, all notable for ferocity, hatred, stupidity, craftiness, lust and brutality &emdash; how did it happen that from all this, there should come the Gregorian chant, cathedrals, the poems of Prudentius, the commentaries and histories of Bede, St. Augustine's _City of God_? -- Thomas Merton, "The Seven-Storey Mountain"

As is well known, the constitution of the European Union very pointedly makes no reference to Christianity in its preamble alluding to European identity. This fall the leaders of member nations gathered in Rome to formally sign the constitution. The signing took place on the Capitolino, a beautiful square designed by Michelangelo. The leaders were photographed sitting beneath a huge statue of the fifth-century Pope Innocent I. In the same room is a fine bust of the emperor Constantine. One expects that some of the politicians had a hard time remembering that Christianity played no part in the formation of Europe. -- Richard John Neuhaus, _First Things_, Jan. 2005,

I was born a Tory, am a Tory and shall die a Tory. I never yet heard that it was any part of the faith of a Tory to take the institutions and liberties, the laws and customs which this country has evolved over centuries and merge them with those of eight other nations into a new-made artificial state, and what is more to do so without the willing approbation and consent of the nation. --Enoch Powell February 1974

To me the nation is the ultimate political reality. There is no political reality beyond it. But what it is cannot be determined scientifically, you cannot pick it up, you cannot measure it. --Enoch Powell The Listener, May 1981

To pretend that you cannot exchange goods and services freely with a Frenchman or an Italian unless there is an identical standard of bathing beaches or tap water in the different countries is not logic. It is naked aggression." --Enoch Powell Article, May 1990

This is not economic. It is a pure political process.-Romano Prodi, 31 Dec 2001, on the launching of the Euro currency.

In my lifetime all our problems have come from mainland Europe and the solutions have come from the English-speaking nations of the world -Baroness Thatcher at the Conservative conference , The Times, 9.10.99

I am not a Europhobe, afraid of Europe, I am a misEU, believing the EU to be a bad thing.- GJW

What is most disturbing, for example, about the bizarre debate over the mere mention of Christianity's contributions to European civilization in the proposed European Constitution is that the amnesiacs who wish to rewrite European history by eliminating Christianity from the historical equation are doing so in service to a thin, indeed anorexic, idea of procedural democracy. To deny that Christianity had anything to do with the evolution of free, law-governed, and prosperous European societies is more than a question of falsifying the past; it is also a matter of creating a future in which moral truth has no role in governance, in the determination of public policy, in understandings of justice, and in the definition of that freedom which democracy is intended to embody. - George Weigel, First Things, Feb 2004

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