Wednesday, February 06, 2008

A duty dodged is like a debt unpaid; it is only deferred, and we must come back and settle the account at last.

Duty is ours; results are God's. -- John Quincy Adams 1831

Use thy duties, as Noah's dove did her wings, to carry thee to the ark of the Lord Jesus Christ, where only there is rest. ISAAC AMBROSE

It is good to follow the path of duty, though in the midst of darkness and discouragement. --David Brainerd journal

Oh, how comfortable and sweet it is, to feel the assistance of divine grace in the performance of the duties which God has enjoined on us!' - David Brainerd, journal:, 17 Jan 1745

It behooves us to accomplish what God requires of us, even when we are in the greatest despair respecting the results.... John Calvin (1509-1564)

I may no longer depend on pleasant impulses to bring me before the Lord. I must rather respond to principles I know to be right, whether I feel them to be enjoyable or not. -- Jim Elliot

Heart-work is hard work indeed. To shuffle over religious duties with a loose and careless spirit, will cost no great difficulties; but to set yourself before the Lord, and to tie up your loose and vain thoughts to a constant and serious attendance upon him: this will cost you something. To attain ease and dexterity of language in prayer and to be able to put your meaning into appropriate and fitting expressions is easy; but to get your heart broken for sin while you are actually confessing it; melted with free grace even while you are blessing God for it; to be really ashamed and humbled through the awareness of God's infinite holiness, and to keep your heart in this state not only in, but after these duties, will surely cost you some groans and travailing pain of soul. - JOHN FLAVEL

Be sure that it is a mistaken devotion which interferes with the duties of your natural state of life.... Jean N. Grou (1731-1803)

The two highest achievements of the human mind are the twin concepts of "loyalty" and "duty." Whenever these two concepts fall into disrepute, get out of there fast! You may possibly save yourself, but it is too late to save that society. It is doomed. -- Robert Heinlein

Fortitude I take to be the quiet possession of a man's self, and an undisturbed doing his duty whatever evils beset, or dangers lie in the way. In itself an essential virtue, it is a guard to every other virtue.-- John Locke

When we have, through Christ, obtained mercy for our persons, we need not fear but that we shall have suitable and seasonable help for our duties. ... John Owen (1616-1683)

O good old man, how well in thee appears
The constant service of the antique world,
When service sweat for duty, not for meed!
Thou art not for the fashion of these times,
When none will sweat but for promotion
W.S., As You Like It, III

When we can say "no" not only to things that are wrong and sinful, but also to things pleasant, profitable, and good which would hinder and clog our grand duties and our chief work, we shall understand more fully what life is worth, and how to make the most of it. _Charles A. Stoddard

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