Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Quotes 18 Apr 18

The next event on God's calendar is that He will
return for His church.  What has to take place
before Jesus comes again?  The answer is nothing.
His return is imminent.
     --Charles F. Stanley (1932-    )
      _Walking With God, Volume 1_ [2012], "Life Principle No. 30"

Come to the Bible, not to study the history of God's divine action, but to be its object; not to learn what it has achieved throughout the centuries and still does, but simply to be the subject of its operation. --Jean-Pierre de Caussade (1675-1751)

The sermons of many twenty-first-century clergy
have become more a mixture of pop psychology and
psychobabble than the pure preaching of the gospel.
Their purpose is to make the hearers feel good
instead of challenging them to do good.
These modern day messengers are more concerned
about their reputation than winning souls; they
need to catch the spirit of Jesus recorded in
the book of Matthew.
--John Hagee (1940-    )
      _Four Blood Moons_ [2013], "The Spine of Prophecy"
On the subject of the seizure of the churches of valuables the conference is to reach a secret decision to the effect that the removal of valuables I'm especially those in the wealthiest habit monasteries and churches must be carried out with the merciless determination stopping at nothing whatever and in the shortest possible time therefore the more representatives of the reactionary clergy we manage to shoot the better we must go please call right now such a lesson that for decades to come - Yakovlev, A century of violence in Soviet Russia, Page 160 quoted in -  Labour and the Gulag.  Giles Udy p185

If the ghosts of the British and Empire soldiers who died in the war marched four abreast past the Cenotaph in Whitehall raised in their honour it would have taken them 3 and a 1/2 days to complete the posthumous parade. - War and the death of news, Martin Bell, Page 31

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