Tuesday, October 28, 2014

News from friends in Jos, Nigeria

First of all the threats in Jos have died down so thanks for praying. Over 80 folks from Niger were caught and since then more have been caught. Our SS do a good job so we praise God for this.
Gwoza area, about 500 miles from Jos is in a bad way. Most of the area from just outside Maiduguri to Mubi about 200 miles away have been taken over by BH. Gwoza is about half way between Maiduguri  and Mubi. Most of the Christians have fled from these areas. The worst place is the thousands still left on the Ngoshe Glavda hills.  These people fled from the plains when their houses were looted and then burnt and thousands built shacks on the hills or lived in the caves. Now, these last 2 weeks  BH are climbing the hills, taking all the food they can get, burning their shacks and killing folks. Some are trying to escape but all roads have been blocked , although we hear a few hundred have reached Cameroon. The journey from Cameroon is complicated and needs money. The recent family of 8 to be in our house took about 2 weeks from Ngoshe Glavda to Jos. and spent a lot of money. But lots that flee have nothing. Folks are trying to help and 2 people in Federal Gov. are seeing what they can do but it is not easy. Continue to pray.
We have been able to get a big building so we wait to see if people come. It is not easy as we could never afford to transport people in great numbers. What would they do in the future if in Jos.? Pray for wisdom.
The 23 families that came to us one or two at a time are nicely settled in Jos and villages around where they can get farm land and now we are trying to pay school fees, medical care and setting some up with petty trading so hopefully by next year they will be independent of us.

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