Friday, July 23, 2010

Another church attacked in Kyrgyzstan’s capital city

ASSIST News Service (ANS) - PO Box 609, Lake Forest, CA 92609-0609 USA
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Friday, July 23, 2010

By Dan Wooding
Founder of ASSIST Ministries
BISHKEK, KYRGYZSTAN (ANS) -- More than a week after a church break-in which left one woman seriously injured, it is now being reported that another church in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan has been the subject of a similar crime.
“Witnesses say four men entered the church, severely beat a local woman, and stole money and equipment,” said Jed Courley, pastor of the first church that was attacked.
Courley, a missionary with Calvary Chapel, told the ASSIST News Service, “Valya, the woman from my church that was robbed over a week ago, has recently been released from the hospital.
"Other than the memory and scars from the brutal events of that night, she is expected to make a full recovery. However, as was expected, there have been no phone calls or updates from the police.”
Courley went on to say, “In spite of these recent events, the first of several planned mission trips to the city of Osh in the south has been scheduled for the week of July 26th."
Osh is the epicenter of the ethnic battles which took place shortly over a month ago leaving up to 2000 people dead and hundreds of thousands without homes.
The teams from the church in Bishkek will be distributing tons of food products such as flour, oil, macaroni, rice, as well as clothes and toiletries.
Entire street blocks have been destroyed by fire, one report estimating that the destruction covers fifteen percent of the city. Kuban, a pastor from Osh, reports that as people are returning, the only choice they have is to take up residence among their burned out homes.
Courley went on to say, "There are still reports of international aid being siphoned off by criminal groups and sold to the needy at high prices. As a result of this corruption, the mission teams from Bishkek will be distributing these much needed products directly into the hands of those who are suffering.
“Please pray for the believers in Kyrgyzstan, Valya as she continues to recover from her injuries, and this first of many upcoming mission trips to Osh. As people are now finishing a period of 40 days of mourning for those who died in the south, it is unknown if renewed ethnic violence will emerge in the days and weeks ahead.”

Anyone wishing to contribute to the purchase of food and clothes for distribution in Osh can send gifts to:
Horizon Missions
7702 Indian Lake Road
Indianapolis, IN 46236, USA
Checks should be payable to “Horizon Missions” with a note attached stating that your gift is for the “Kyrgyzstan Relief Fund.”

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