The BBC reports, The bomber, Patrick Magee, was trapped by fingerprints left during his stay at the Grand.
Sentenced to eight life sentences in 1986, but released under the terms of the Good Friday Agreement 14 years later, he recently said: "I stand by my actions."
"I was aware of flying through the air and then falling down," says conference organiser Harvey Thomas.
He was buried under 10 tons of rubble, with water pouring down on him from smashed storage tanks.
"I had no doubt at all that I was going to die for the first few moments," Mr Thomas says. With his wife heavily pregnant he thought he would never see his first child.
As it became more difficult to breathe, firemen heard his cries and he was pulled free with minor injuries.
Harvey Thomas, a committed Christian, is now friends with the bomber. "I wrote to Magee and said I wanted to forgive him, but I was not speaking for everyone else."
It took Mr Thomas 14 years to reach that stage and the pair first met two years later.
"It was awkward for him I think, but not for me because once you decide to forgive you no longer have the anger."
Harvey T is a gracious Christian.He takes seriously the command to forgive your enemies.However, no unrepentant person is forgiven by God and this Irish murderer in unrepentant. His day of jugdement will come. It is given to man once to die and after that .....
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